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  • 时差N小时 最早的农民 南非切叶蚁

    Who were the first farmers on Earth? You might think it was the Babylonians or another group in the Middle East. But humans are newcomers when it comes to the fine art of raising food. Leafcutter ants of arid and tropical regions of South, Central an...

  • 时差N小时 人类,家鼠与他们的栖息地

    Yael: We often hear about how human activity and expansion can endanger wildlife habitats. But can you think of any animals that might be threatened by the disappearance of humans? 雅艾尔:我们经常听说人们的行为,人类的扩张会如何...

  • 时差N小时 火星探测车任务届满五周年

    Five years after the NASA rover Spirit landed on Mars, the six-wheeled robotic geologist and its twin Opportunity are still on the job. Expectations were far lower when Spirit made a bouncing landing in a cocoon of air bags on Jan. 3, 2004, followed...

  • 时差N小时 数位时代对情绪的影响

    Harvard University professor John Palfrey recently spoke in Taipei on the subject of youth and contemporary media, the digital age, and parenting. I read the news on his lecture with care.(Palfrey) said it is down to parents and schools to determine...

  • 时差N小时 恋情不应该以体重衡量

    Dear Annie: 亲爱的安妮: I weigh close to 200 pounds, and am solidly built. My family is full of stocky individuals, so I don't know why I'm afraid to tell my parents about a guy I am dating while away at university. 我的体重将近200磅,但体...

  • 时差N小时 学习一门语言

    Don:It's time to go again to the A Moment of Science mailbag... 唐:又到了《科学时刻》读信时间了...... Yael:A listener writes: Dear AMOS, Why can some people learn a new language easily but others struggle? 雅艾尔:一位听众来信...

  • 时差N小时 希望的一代

    I recently read an article in which one of my favorite columnists, William Safire, explores the use of generation in a litany of literary references to American writers. He begins with Hemingway's quotation of lost generation and then explores other...

  • 时差N小时 引起信任的化学作用

    Trust is essential to social interaction among humans. Making friends, conducting business transactions, leading a team, and even playing games would be all but impossible without it. But have you ever wondered why we trust other people at all? 信任对...

  • 时差N小时 起床时间到了

    Yael: It's time once again for the mailbag. Let's see what we have today. Dear A Moment of Science: I went to sleep one time and slept for twenty years. What in the world happened to me? Signed Rip. 雅艾尔:又到了读信时间。来看看今天收...

  • 时差N小时 麦克和亚曼达在聊跨年晚会

    Mike: Are you going to come to the New Year's Eve party? 麦克:你要去参加跨年晚会吗? Amanda: I'd like to, but my parents say I can't. They say it's not safe for me to stay out that late by myself, and they're afraid some kids may be dr...

  • 时差N小时 男性的未来

    Yael:What's the matter, Don? You look worried. 雅艾尔:发生什么事了,唐?你看起来很担忧。 Don:Well, Yael, you know how people are always predicting that one day women will be able to have babies without men? It turns out that som...

  • 时差N小时 纽约客争夺大象马球荣耀

    New Yorkers bid for elephant polo glory 纽约客争夺大象马球荣耀 They are the world's unlikeliest contenders heading to Nepal for the world's unlikeliest sport. Meet the New York Blue, America's elephant polo team. 他们是世界上最不可能...

  • 时差N小时 吃蜘蛛的苍蝇

    Come into my parlor, said the spider to the fly. 近来吧,到我的客厅来,蜘蛛对苍蝇说道。 At least that's usually the way it goes. In most showdowns between spiders and flies, the odds weigh heavily in the spider's favor. Today, howe...

  • 时差N小时 嚼口香糖防止耳鸣

    If an airplane's passengers start yawning and chewing gum, they might not be over-tired chewing-gum executivesthey might be trying to keep their ears from popping.When an airplane changes altitude, air pressure changes often make peoples' ears go pop...

  • 时差N小时 在心里是双胞胎

    Don: Hey Yael, are you a twin? 唐:嗨,雅艾尔,你是双胞胎吗? Yael: Nope. 雅艾尔:不是。 Don: Are you sure? 唐:你确定? Yael:Unless there's something my parents haven't told me, yes, I'm sure. I'd know if I had a twin bro...
