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  • 福克斯新闻 拜登新经济刺激计划被批乱花钱(1)

    During the Democratic primary debates, Joe Biden went out of his way to reassure suburban voters that he wasn't a Bernie Sanders style socialist. 在民主党初选辩论期间,乔拜登向郊区选民一再保证,他不是伯尼桑德斯式的社会...

  • 福克斯新闻 美国大力推行疫苗接种惹各州不满(2)

    The attorney representing the father who's suing D.C. in federal court over this appeared on The Ingraham Angle last night. 在联邦法院起诉华盛顿的父亲的代理律师昨晚上了英格拉姆角。 The law actually requires the doctor, the...

  • 福克斯新闻 美国大力推行疫苗接种惹各州不满(1)

    Perhaps we should point out that the federal government had to spent trillions of dollars to try to keep Americans alive during this pandemic, 或许我们应该指出,联邦政府不得不花费数万亿美元,尽力让美国人在疫情中活下来...

  • 福克斯新闻 美媒抨击总统拜登损害本国利益(2)

    You see folks at NPR and the Washington Post are never as happy as when American president shrink on the world stage. 你看,当美国总统在世界舞台上示弱时,NPR和华盛顿邮报的人最高兴了。 And the global elites love it when...

  • 福克斯新闻 美媒抨击总统拜登损害本国利益(1)

    Now, Trump saw things as they really were. 特朗普看到了事情的本质。 He understood that world leaders, much like CEOs are generally going to act in their own interest, unless, of course, they have to cut deals for their own survival. 他明白...

  • 福克斯新闻 乔·拜登是他自己最大的敌人(6)

    WOLF BLITZER, CNN ANCHOR: The European leaders they trust President Biden, the relief at the G7 and NATO Summit is clearly palpable after four years of Trump, but do they trust the United States right now? Do they trust Congress in the aftermath, let...

  • 福克斯新闻 乔·拜登是他自己最大的敌人(5)

    INGRAHAM: So, what did Biden get for all this nonsense that will weaken the U.S. vis-a-vis our G7 counterparts. In response to this, all of this, Republicans on the Hill have to get their messaging right and deliver it with precision and clarity. It...

  • 福克斯新闻 乔·拜登是他自己最大的敌人(4)

    Now, as part of this, Biden wants not only your car, your gas powered car, but also, he'd kind of like your fridge and your favorite lamp as well. 现在,作为其中的一部分,拜登不仅想要你们的车,你们的以汽油为燃料的汽车...

  • 福克斯新闻 乔·拜登是他自己最大的敌人(3)

    Now, both the media and the Democrats, they want to keep this entire conversation as you can hear it in the press coverage, just steeped in generalities. 现在,无论是媒体还是民主党人,他们都希望让整个谈话保持你在新闻报道...

  • 福克斯新闻 乔·拜登是他自己最大的敌人(2)

    Vladimir Putin laughed at the suggestion that you had called him a killer. 弗拉基米尔普京觉得你说他是杀手的说法很好笑。 Is that still your belief, sir, that he is a killer? 拜登先生,你还相信他是杀手吗? I'm laugh...
