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  TED(指technology, entertainment, design在英语中的缩写,即技术、娱乐、设计)是美国的一家私有非盈利机构,该机构以它组织的TED大会著称,这个会议的宗旨是“用思想的力量来改变世界”。

  • TED演讲: 你存钱的能力跟你用的语言有关?(4) For example, most other Germanic language speakers 例如,说日尔曼语系的人 feel completely comfortable talking about rain tomorrow by saying, Morgen regnet es, 会很自然的用以下的话表达明天下雨:Morgen regnet es quite litera
  • TED演讲:你存钱的能力跟你用的语言有关?(5) Interestingly enough, when you start to crank the data, 有意思的是,当你开始收集数据时, these pockets of futureless language speakers all around the world turn out to be, by and large, some of the world's best savers. 你就会发现这
  • TED演讲:你存钱的能力跟你用的语言有关?(6) So imagine that you're a retired household in Belgium and someone comes to your front door. 想象一下你是一个比利时的退休老人,有一天有人跑来敲你家的门。 Excuse me, would you mind if I peruse your stock portfolio? 打扰了
  • TED演讲:你存钱的能力跟你用的语言有关?(7) What are the characteristics we can control for? 我们能够控制那些特征? Well I'm going to match families on country of birth and residence, 我考虑的匹配包括出生地和居住地, the demographics -- what sex, their age -- their i
  • TED演讲:你存钱的能力跟你用的语言有关?(8) Now how can we think about health behaviors to think about savings? 我们能将健康相关的行为比作储蓄行为么? Well, think about smoking, for example. Smoking is in some deep sense negative savings. 例如,吸烟这个事情,吸烟可
  • TED演讲: 轻松学习阅读汉字(1) Growing up in Taiwan as the daughter of a calligrapher, 我在台湾长大。作为一位书法家的女儿, one of my most treasured memories was my mother showing me the beauty, the shape and the form of Chinese characters. 我最珍贵的记忆之
  • TED演讲:轻松学习阅读汉字(2) Open your mouth as wide as possible until it's square. You get a mouth. 把你的嘴张得越大越好,直到变成正方形。这就是一个口字。 This is a person going for a walk. Person. 这是一个人正在散步。人字。 If the shape
  • TED演讲:轻松学习阅读汉字(3) One tree is a tree. Two trees together, we have the woods. 一棵树是木。两棵树在一起,就是树林。 Three trees together, we create the forest. 三棵树在一起,就是森林。 Put a plank underneath the tree, we have the foundation
  • TED演讲:轻松学习阅读汉字(4) So we have gone through almost 30 characters. 我们已经学了差不多三十个汉字, By using this method, the first eight radicals will allow you to build 32. 通过这个方法,这八个基本字可以衍生出三十二个汉字, The nex
  • TED演讲:跟我说说高科技(1) Five years ago, I experienced a bit of what it must have been like to be Alice in Wonderland. 五年前,我曾有过一个有如漫游爱丽丝仙境的经历。 Penn State asked me, a communications teacher, to teach a communications class for eng
  • TED演讲:跟我说说高科技(2) I want to share a few keys on how you can do that 我想来分享几个有用的方法,告诉你们如何才能保证 to make sure that we can see that your science is sexy and that your engineering is engaging. 让我们也觉得你们的科学性感
  • TED演讲:跟我说说高科技(3) And the trick here is to use a single, readable sentence that the audience can key into if they get a bit lost, 这里的窍门就是使用简单、易读的句子,让观众即使有点儿不明白也能够掌握要点, and then provide visuals w
  • TED演讲:重新定义字典(1) Now, have any of y'all ever looked up this word? 好,你们中有谁查过这个单词? You know, in a dictionary? Yeah, that's what I thought. 用字典?是的,我想也就这个样子。 How about this word? Here, I'll show it to you. 这个单
  • TED演讲 重新定义字典(2) For one thing, I just do not do uniforms. 首先,我不喜欢制服。 And for another, deciding what words are good and what words are bad is actually not very easy. 而且,决定谁是好词谁是坏词其实一点也不容易, And it's not v
  • TED演讲:重新定义字典(3) And of course, a few of us are saying: okay, computers! Computers! What about computers? 当然,你们中的有些人会说,计算机!计算机!计算机是新东西吧? The thing about computers is, I love computers. 不要误会,我喜欢