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  TED(指technology, entertainment, design在英语中的缩写,即技术、娱乐、设计)是美国的一家私有非盈利机构,该机构以它组织的TED大会著称,这个会议的宗旨是“用思想的力量来改变世界”。

  • TED演讲:每天一秒钟(2) The purpose of this project is, one: I hate not remembering things that I've done in the past. 项目的目的是,第一:我不喜欢忘记自己过去做过的事情。 There's all these things that I've done with my life that I have no recollec
  • TED演讲:每天一秒钟(3) You know, this project for me is a way for me to bridge that gap and remember everything that I've done. 这个项目对我而言,就是一座让我能够回忆起我过去生活的桥梁。 Even just this one second allows me to remember everythin
  • TED演讲:每天一秒钟(4) I was on a three-month road trip this summer. 今年夏天我度了三个月的假。 It was something that I've been dreaming about doing my whole life, 这是我一生梦寐以求的东西, just driving around the U.S. and Canada and just figurin
  • TED演讲:每天一秒钟(5) Now one of the things that I do is I don't use any filters, I don't use anything to 我录制的所有视频都没有做过特效处理,什么处理都没有 I try to capture the moment as much as possible as the way that I saw it with my own eyes.
  • TED演讲: 休假的力量(1) I run a design studio in New York. 我在纽约开一家设计工作室。 Every seven years, I close it for one year to pursue some little experiments, 每七年我都关闭一年,让我进行一些小实验, things that are always difficult to
  • TED演讲:休假的力量(2) Also is the knowledge that right now we spend about in the first 25 years of our lives learning, 我还有另一个原因,目前我们大概用生命的前二十五年学习, then there is another 40 years that's really reserved for working. 之后
  • TED演讲:休假的力量(3) I am not a religious person myself, but I did look for nature. 我不信教,但我尊重自然。 I had spent my first sabbatical in New York City. Looked for something different for the second one. 我的第一个长修假是在纽约市度过的,
  • TED演讲:休假的力量(4) Then there is a coffee table. I also did a coffee table. It's called Be Here Now. It includes 330 compasses. 我还设计了这张茶几,起名叫现在到此。它里面装了330个指南针。 And we had custom espresso cups made that hide a magn
  • TED演讲:休假的力量(5) If I look at my cycle, seven years, one year sabbatical, it's 12.5 percent of my time. 看看我的周期,干七年,休一年,是我百分之12.5的时间。 And if I look at companies that are actually more successful than mine, 看看比我更成
  • TED演讲:休假的力量(6) In the beginning, on the first sabbatical, it was rather disastrous. 我的第一个休假初期,事情进展一点也不顺利。 I had thought that I should do this without any plan, 我以为不用计划, that this vacuum of time somehow would
  • TED演讲:休假的力量(7) We were asked to design an identity for Casa da Musica, the Rem Koolhaas-built music center in Porto, in Portugal. 音乐之家曾请我们设计标志,就是那个由Rem Koolhaas设计建造的音乐中心,在葡萄牙的波尔图。 And even th
  • TED演讲:休假的力量(8) So it will always fit together, conceptually, of course. 所以在概念的层面而言,它们一定能互相配合。 If Zappa's music is performed, it gets its own logo. 如果演出Zappa的音乐,它会有自己独特的标志。 Or Philip Gla
  • TED演讲 休假的力量(9) Second insight. So far, until that point I had been mostly involved or used the language of design for promotional purposes, which was fine with me. 第二种体会:在那次长假之前,多数时候,我都使用设计语言帮助促销,那并没
  • TED演讲:休假的力量(10) And the idea of course was to make the type so precious that as an audience you would be in between 我们的构思,是把图样做得很精美,要令观赏者觉得难以决定, Should I really take as much money as I can? Or should I leave th
  • TED演讲:休假的力量(11) We are also working on the start of a bigger project in Bali. It's a movie about happiness. 我们还在巴厘岛开始了一个更大的项目,是一个讲关于快乐的电影。 And here we asked some nearby pigs to do the titles for us. They we