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  TED(指technology, entertainment, design在英语中的缩写,即技术、娱乐、设计)是美国的一家私有非盈利机构,该机构以它组织的TED大会著称,这个会议的宗旨是“用思想的力量来改变世界”。

  • TED演讲:你怎么知道自己是存在的(1) How do you know you're real? 你如何意识到自己的真实存在? It's an obvious question until you try to answer it, but let's take it seriously. 这是个显而易见的问题,但回答起来不容易,让我们严肃地讨论一下。 Ho
  • TED演讲:你怎么知道自己是存在的(2) Maybe the body you perceive yourself to have isn't really there. 或许你感知到的自己的身体,其实并不存在。 Maybe all of reality, even its abstract concepts, like time, shape, color and number are false, all just deceptions concocte
  • TED演讲:婚姻的历史(1) There have been many different things written and said about marriage. 已经有各种不同文字记录和讨论着关于婚姻的话题。 From the sweetly inspirational to the hilariously cynical. 从甜蜜励志的到诙谐讽刺的。 But what m
  • TED演讲:婚姻的历史(2) Mesopotamian prayers included blessings for such couples, 美索不达米亚的祷文中包括了为同性夫妻进行祝福, while Native American Two-Spirit individuals had relationships with both sexes. 而美洲印第安的双灵人与两种性别
  • TED演讲:语法重要吗(1) You're telling a friend an amazing story, and you just get to the best part when suddenly he interrupts, 你正给朋友讲一个精彩的故事,刚讲到最精彩的部分时,他突然打断了你说: The alien and I, not Me and the alien. 应该
  • TED演讲:语法重要吗(2) Speech patterns that deviated from the written rules were considered corruptions, or signs of low social status, 而那些偏离了书面语语法的口语则被认为是错误的,或者是社会地位低下的表现, and many people who had grow
  • TED演讲:语法的分界线 牛津逗号(1) Say you're helping plan a friend's party, and he sends you a text asking you to bring Bob, a DJ and a clown. 假设你准备帮你的朋友组织一个聚会,你朋友给你发了一条短信要你记得叫上鲍勃,一个DJ和一个小丑。 You
  • TED演讲:语法的分界线 牛津逗号(2) With the comma, you may think Bob is the DJ, and all you need is him and the puppy. 加了逗号之后你可能会以为鲍勃就是DJ,而你要叫上的是两样事物,DJ鲍勃和狗。 The argument over the Oxford comma has raised such strong p
  • TED演讲:修饰语滥用对写作的危害(1) This just in: Thief robs town with world's largest chocolate bunny. 最新消息:窃贼洗劫了城镇(有/用)世界上最大的巧克力兔子。 Wait, so are we talking about this, or this? 等等,我们是在讨论这个,还是这个?
  • TED演讲:修饰语滥用对写作的危害(2) Having robbed the bank in record time, it was possible to make off with the town's chocolate rabbit as well. 在飞速洗劫了银行之后,还能偷走镇上的巧克力兔子。 The modifying phrase in this sentence seems unrelated to anything el
  • TED演讲:逗号的故事(1) Commas are tricky things, especially when subordinates and conjunctions are involved. 逗号的运用是很讲究技巧的,尤其是当从属关联词和连词也一并参与其中的时候。 If you can remember a few basic rules, a simple law of
  • TED演讲:逗号的故事(2) Soon, she seems a couple of subordinates attempting to lift the weight of sentences directly in front of themselves. 不久,她看见了一些从属关联词试图举起放在他们面前的句子。 Even though Bartheleme loves to sing, he never s
  • TED演讲:简单词的力量 We all know the scene: Dorothy closes her eyes, and repeats the Good Witch's mantra, 我们都熟悉这样一个场景,桃乐丝闭上眼睛然后念着女巫的箴言, No coordinates exist like one's domicile, no coordinates exist like one's dom
  • TED演讲:为什么受惊吓那么好玩(1) Somewhere right now, people are lining up to scare themselves, maybe with a thrill ride or horror movie. 此时此刻,世界上的某个地方,人们正排着队的体验恐惧或许是刺激的游乐设施,或许是恐怖电影。 In fact, in
  • TED演讲:为什么受惊吓那么好玩(2) Other normal physical differences explain why some may love the dizziness associated with a loop-de-loop, 另外的一些正常生理现象的区别则解释了为何有些人喜爱转圈带来的眩晕感, while loathing the stomach-drop sensation