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  TED(指technology, entertainment, design在英语中的缩写,即技术、娱乐、设计)是美国的一家私有非盈利机构,该机构以它组织的TED大会著称,这个会议的宗旨是“用思想的力量来改变世界”。

  • TED演讲:为什么竞争者要把店开在彼此旁边(2) Day three of the ice cream wars, you get to the beach early, and set up right in the center of Teddy territory, 在冰淇淋战争的第三天,你更早的来到了海滩并把你的冰淇淋车放在了泰迪地盘的中间, assuming you'll serv
  • TED演讲:我们应该食用昆虫吗(1) For centuries, people have consumed bugs, everything from beetles to caterpillars, locusts, grasshoppers, termites, and dragonflies. 几世纪以来,人类都在食用各种虫子,从甲虫到毛毛虫、蝗虫、蚱蜢、白蚁再到蜻蜓。 Th
  • TED演讲:我们应该食用昆虫吗(2) Bugs can be eaten whole to make up a meal or ground into flour, powder, and paste to add to food. 虫子能够被整个食用,或者被研磨成细粉粗粉和糊状来加在食物里。 But it's not all about taste. They're also healthy. 虫子不只
  • TED演讲:为什么有这么多昆虫存在(1) If insects suddenly morphed into large beings, and decided to wage war on us, there's no doubt that humans would lose. 如果有一天,所有的昆虫突然都变大了并且要和我们开战,那我们人类必输无疑。 We'd simply be crushed
  • TED演讲:为什么有这么多昆虫存在(2) Insect exoskeletons also work like body armor, 昆虫的外骨骼就像保护身体的盔甲一样 protecting insects against the outside world and helping them cope with habitats that other creatures can't. 抵御外部环境的伤害,帮助它们应
  • TED演讲:为什么昆虫的大脑如此神奇(1) The human brain is one of the most sophisticated organs in the world, 人类的大脑是世界上最复杂的器官之一, a supercomputer made of billions of neurons that processes and controls all of our senses, thoughts, and actions. 一个由数十
  • TED演讲:为什么昆虫的大脑如此神奇(2) But even though the insect brain is organized very differently from ours, there are some striking similarities. 虽然昆虫与人类大脑的组成大相径庭,但是仍有很多惊人的相似之处。 For example, most insects have smell detecto
  • TED演讲:书的演变(1) What makes a book a book? 到底什么才叫书呢? Is it just anything that stores and communicates information? 是指那些能储存或者传达信息的东西吗? Or does it have to do with paper, binding, font, ink, its weight in your hands,
  • TED演讲:书的演变(2) And what about font size and type? 那字的大小和字体呢? The earliest movable type pieces consisted of reversed letters cast in relief on the ends of lead alloy stocks. 最早的活字是在铅铝坯料的一端铸造凸出的反字。 They
  • TED演讲:人类为何要相爱-一个哲学探讨(1) Ah, romantic love, beautiful and intoxicating, heartbreaking and soul-crushing, often all at the same time. 啊...浪漫的爱情啊,美好又令人痴醉,伤心又断魂,通常所有的感觉会同时汇集在一起。 Why do we choose to put
  • TED演讲:人类为何要相爱-一个哲学探讨(2) Love's delight, intimacy, and warmth helps us overcome our fear of the world, 爱的愉悦,亲密,和温暖帮助我们克服对这世界的恐惧, escape our lonely shells, and engage more abundantly in life. 逃脱我们孤独的外壳,让我
  • TED演讲:食物是如何影响大脑的(1) If you sucked all of the moisture out of your brain and broke it down to its constituent nutritional content, what would it look like? 如果将你大脑里所有的水分都吸干,然后按不同的营养成分进行分类,会是怎样呢? Mos
  • TED演讲:食物是如何影响大脑的(2) Like the other organs in our bodies, our brains also benefit from a steady supply of micronutrients. 像我们身体中的其他器官一样,稳定供给微量营养元素也会有益大脑。 Antioxidants in fruits and vegetables strengthen the br
  • TED演讲:提高批判性思维的5个窍门(1) Every day, a sea of decisions stretches before us. 我们无时不刻都在做各种各样的决定。 Some are small and unimportant, but others have a larger impact on our lives. 有些微不足道,有些却会对我们的生活造成很大影响。
  • TED演讲:提高批判性思维的5个窍门(2) Two: gather your information. 第二:搜集信息。 There's lots of it out there, so having a clear idea of your question will help you determine what's relevant. 信息无所不在,所以明晰问题可以帮你决定哪些信息是有用的。