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  TED(指technology, entertainment, design在英语中的缩写,即技术、娱乐、设计)是美国的一家私有非盈利机构,该机构以它组织的TED大会著称,这个会议的宗旨是“用思想的力量来改变世界”。

  • TED演讲:你能解开桥之谜题吗(1) Taking that internship in a remote mountain lab might not have been the best idea. 在深山里的实验室中实习,可能不是一个好主意。 Pulling that lever with the skull symbol just to see what it did probably wasn't so smart, either, 拉
  • TED演讲:你能解开桥之谜题吗(2) At first it might seem like no matter what you do, 一开始,你可能会认为无论怎么试, you're just a minute or two short of time, but there is a way. 始终会差个一、两分钟,但确实是有办法的。 The key is to minimize the
  • TED演讲:你能解开囚犯帽子谜题吗(1) You and nine other individuals have been captured by super intelligent alien overlords. 你和其他九个人被高智商的外星人统治者俘虏了。 The aliens think humans look quite tasty, but their civilization forbids eating highly logical
  • TED演讲:你能解开囚犯帽子谜题吗(2) The key is that the person at the back of the line who can see everyone else's hats 其实重点在于排在队尾的人,他在看到其他所有人的帽子后 can use the words black or white to communicate some coded information. 可以用黑白来
  • TED演讲:你能解开囚犯帽子谜题吗(3) But she only sees one, so she deduces that her hat is also black. 但是她只看到了一个,所以她推测出自己的也是黑帽子。 Prisoners five through nine are each looking for an odd number of black hats, 第五个人至第九个人每个
  • TED演讲:著名的绿眼逻辑难题(1) Imagine an island where 100 people, all perfect logicians, are imprisoned by a mad dictator. 想像一下,有座岛上住着100位居民,他们每一个都是优秀的逻辑学家,却被一位邪恶的独裁者所监禁。 There's no escape, ex
  • TED演讲:著名的绿眼逻辑难题(2) But on the hundredth morning after your visit, all the prisoners are gone, each having asked to leave the previous night. 但是在你拜访之后的第一百个早上,所有的居民都离开了,每一位居民,都在前一天晚上要求离开。
  • TED演讲:著名的绿眼逻辑难题(3) Carl thinks, If I have non-green eyes, Adria and Bill were just watching each other, Carl想:如果我不是绿眼睛,Adria和Bill只会互看彼此, and will now both leave on the second night. 然后两人将会在第二个晚上离开。 But
  • TED演讲:我们为什么要排气(1) Flatulence, or passing gas, is a normal daily phenomenon. 胀气,或者放屁,是正常的日常现象。 Most individuals, yes, that includes you, 大多数人,是的,这包括你, will make anywhere from 500-1500 milliliters of gas and ca
  • TED演讲:我们为什么要排气(2) But methane is actually odorless, too. 但是甲烷也是无味的。 Well then, what stinks? 那么,什么东西这么臭? The foul smell is usually due to volatile sulfur compounds, such as hydrogen sulfide and methanethiol, or methyl mercaptan
  • TED演讲:我们为什么要排气(3) At the same time, methanogens can use hydrogen and carbon dioxide produced by other bacteria to generate methane, 同时,产甲烷菌可以使用其他细菌产出的氢和二氧化碳以生成甲烷, which can reduce the total volume of gas by u
  • TED演讲:麸质有什么大不了的(1) Maybe you've recently seen the phrase gluten-free on food packaging, 你最近也许留意到,'不含麸质'的标志开始出现在食物包装上、 or take-out menus, shampoo bottles, apartment listings, 或出现在外带菜单、洗发精瓶子、
  • TED演讲:麸质有什么大不了的(2) Celiac disease is an inherited disease, 乳糜泻是遗传性疾病, in which eating foods with gluten leads to inflammation and damage of the lining of the small intestine. 患者在进食麩质食物时,会出现发炎,并损害小肠绒毛。
  • TED演讲:麸质有什么大不了的(3) There's no reliable blood or tissue test, partly because gluten sensitivity isn't a single disease, 现今没有可靠的血液测试或组织测试来确诊,部分原因是麸质敏感不是单一疾病, and has a number of different possible ca
  • TED演讲:如何把熟蛋变生(1) It's so obvious that it's practically proverbial. You can't unboil an egg. 很明显又众所周知的是。你不能把一个熟蛋变生。 Well, it turns out you can, sort of. 然而,其实在某种程度上你是可以的。 What thermal energy