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 《国家地理频道:二战启示录( Apocalypse:The Second World War)》是2009年由法国制作的详细讲述第二次世界大战始末的纪录片。这部纪录片以欧美的观点详尽地介绍和讲述第二次世界大战,提到纳粹德国败阵被苏联军队追击时明显站在纳粹那方,并配有许多珍贵的影像资料,让观众深入地了解第二次世界大战这段历史。本栏目可以帮助英语学习爱好者提高英语听力水平,增加英语词汇的积累,同时也能学到更多的英语历史文化知识,是提高英语文化素养的好材料。

  • 二战启示录 第1期:希特勒霸权的崛起(1) Berlin 1945. Europe has been freed from the Nazi reign of terror. 柏林,1945年,欧洲脱离了纳粹恐怖统治。 The Red Army is waging its final battles. 红军正在进行最后战役。 Captain Joseph Plautov, a Russian officer The hate r
  • 二战启示录 第2期:希特勒霸权的崛起(2) But then we'd say 'better to have a Russian on your belly than an American over your head' 但后来我们说压在你肚子上的苏联人,胜过在你头上的美国人。 This German woman was referring to the allied bombers that pounded her cit
  • 二战启示录 第3期:希特勒霸权的崛起(3) Hitler comes to power legally on January the 30th, 1933. With a few months, his dictatorship is firmly in place. 1933年1月30日希特勒合法获得政权。数个月后,他已巩固独裁政权。 He becomes the Fuhrer (the leader) . His support
  • 二战启示录 第4期:希特勒霸权的崛起(4) They will be sent to Dachau, the first concentration camp where Hitler locks up the the anti-Nazis, 他们将被送到首个集中营达考。 the Communists Social Democrats and all those opposed to the Nazi regime. 希特勒将共产党员、社会民
  • 二战启示录 第5期:希特勒霸权的崛起(5) But what is Hitler's promise worth? 但希特勒的承诺有何价值? Just 6 months later, he invades the rest of Czechoslovakia and enters Prague accompanied by Marshal Hermann Goering. 仅仅六个月后,他入侵捷克其他地区,并在赫曼
  • 二战启示录 第6期:希特勒霸权的崛起(6) It's August 1939. 当时是1939年8月。 And people in France are enjoying their first paid holidays, one of the major victories of the Socialist Popular Front. 法国人正在享受首次的带薪休假,这是社会主义的人民阵线党最大功
  • 二战启示录 第7期:希特勒霸权的崛起(7) September 3rd, 1939 at 11 am, the ambassador of Great Britain in Berlin delivers a declaration of war. 1939年9月3日,驻柏林的英国大使于早上11点宣布开战。 At 5pm, France declares war on Germany. Hitler can hardly believe it. 下午
  • 二战启示录 第8期:希特勒霸权的崛起(8) There was such a shortage of equipment. We have one rifle for two per truck. 装备短缺得很严重,每辆卡车上两人共用一把步枪。 We have one box of ten bullets which we were not allowed to open. It was pathetic 我们有一盒十颗子
  • 二战启示录 第9期:希特勒霸权的崛起(9) The Saar offensive stops there, and generates into a series of skirmishes raised by elite commandos led by the hero Joseph Darnard 进攻行动停在萨尔,并缩减成精英游击队进行的一连串小规模战斗和突袭。这是由乔瑟头达农
  • 二战启示录 第10期:希特勒霸权的崛起(10) These northern part of front is maned by a French army and a British expeditionary forces later reinforced by Canadians and troops from the far from British Empire. 法国军队和英国远征军控制防线北部区域。后来由来自遥远英国的
  • 二战启示录 第11期:希特勒霸权的崛起(11) The Fuhrer wants to strike terror into the hearts and minds not only of the Pols but of the French and the British as well. 希特勒不只要让波兰人,还要让英、法国人也心生恐惧。 This's what is in store for you. The world is horr
  • 二战启示录 第12期:希特勒霸权的崛起(12) As previously agreed with Hitler, the Soviet has invaded the eastern half of Poland. 如同之前和希特勒协议好的,苏联入侵波兰东半部。 Here the soldiers are fraternising an incongruous sight to say the least. 德国和苏联士兵在
  • 二战启示录 第13期:希特勒霸权的崛起(13) After the war, he will be tried in Nuremberg and hanged for crimes against humanity. 战后他将在纽伦堡受审,并因违反人道罪处以绞刑。 These gipsies held in a pen are filmed by a German. 一名德国人拍摄了这些被关在围栏
  • 二战启示录 第14期:希特勒霸权的崛起(14) All the major cities of Poland will have their ghetto prisons where German, Austrian and Czech Jews will also be interned. 波兰所有主要城市都将设立犹太隔离区,同时也囚禁德国、奥地利和捷克的犹太人。 The Jews here s
  • 二战启示录 第15期:希特勒霸权的崛起(15) He tells his generals:My decision is irrevocable. 他告诉他的将军:我的决定不可改变。 I will attack France when the time is right. I will be victorious or die in the attempt. 时机到了我就会攻击法国。不成功便成仁。 Y