I love summer storms. Don't you? 我喜欢夏季的暴风雨 你呢
Not really. 不怎么喜欢
Let me be direct. 我就不拐弯抹角了
Mason tells me, you claim 梅森告诉我 你声称
I had a relationship with david clarke. 我曾和大卫·克拉克有一段恋情
You don't honestly believe that, do you? 你不会真的这么认为吧
I remember what I remember. 我只是记得我曾经记得的
Which is? 记得什么
Same as you, most likely. 大概和你记得的一样
Well, I have to confess that after all these years, 不得不承认 这么多年过去了
my memory is just a little bit foggy of those times. 那时候的记忆有些模糊了
Actually, when I come to think of it, 其实 当我回想当年的事
I'm not all that certain that little girl was you. 我都不太确定你就是当年的那个小女孩
All right. 好吧
Why don't you cut the crap 那就废话少说
and tell me what I'm really doing here? 说说你让我来 到底有何目的吧
And this dovetails very nicely with this uncanny sense I have 而我恰好有一个奇怪的想法
that his house didn't just burn down accidentally. 他家的火灾并非意外
Word on the street is, you lit that match 有传言说 是你放了火
so you could pin it on me. 然后想要嫁祸于我
Is that so? 是这样的吗
Well, then maybe you should tell me 那或许你该告诉我
why you sent that tape to my husband. 你为何要把录像带奇给我丈夫
Is it money you're after? 你是为了钱吗
I don't know what you're talking about. 我不知道你在说些什么