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  • 经济学人:法国省议会选举 三雄争霸 French elections 法国省议会选举 Menage a trios 三雄争霸 The National Front's strength makes French politics a three-way affair 极右翼国民前线实力增强,法国政治陷三雄争霸局面 SOMETIMES small elections are markers of m
  • 经济学人:托利党巨人退休 才华横溢国会议员告别 Bratain 英国 A Tory titan retires 一托利党巨人退休 William, it was really nothing 威廉,真的没关系 The Conservatives bid farewell to a talented parliamentarian 保守党向一名才华横溢的国会议员告别 THE high esteem in w
  • 经济学人:俄罗斯的政界往事 涅姆佐夫桥 Russia's politics of memory 俄罗斯的政界往事 NemtsovBridge 涅姆佐夫桥 A fight over the site of a politician's killing is a proxy for a broader battle 关于政治家遇刺之地的争论标志着论战范围扩大化 Remembered with love
  • 经济学人:法国少数民族 一项前卫调查 Ethnic minorities in France 法国少数民族 An edgy inquiry 一项前卫调查 A taboo on studying immigrant families' performance is fraying 打破调查移民家庭表现的禁忌 BY LAW, French authorities cannot collect ethnic statistics. All
  • 经济学人:教师招募 能者胜任 Teacher recruitment 教师招募 Those who can 能者胜任 How to turn teaching into a job that attracts high-flyers 怎样使得教学变成了吸引成功人士的工作 IMAGINE a job where excellence does nothing to improve your pay or chances of
  • 经济学人:地中海移民 令人发指的人数 Migrants in the Mediterranean 地中海移民 The numbers nightmare 令人发指的人数 Ever more people are drowning while trying to get to Europe 越来越多的人在前往欧洲的道路上溺水身亡 IN THE sea separating north Africa from th
  • 经济学人:邻避主义与选举 柏油碎石路反对者投票 Britain 英国 NIMBYism and the election 邻避主义与选举 The anti-tarmac vote 柏油碎石路反对者投票 The Conservatives are getting squeezed over big building projects 保守党在大型建筑工程上束手无策 ON first glance, the co
  • 经济学人:国外的巴尔干战士 为正义而战 Balkan warriors abroad 国外的巴尔干战士 Fight the good fight 为正义而战 With the Western Balkans at peace, some go abroad to look for war 西巴尔干地区一片和平,有些人因此赴国外参战 FROM the Sea of Azov to Aleppo, fig
  • 经济学人:亚太贸易协定 美国与日本 The United States, Japan and trade 亚太贸易协定:美国与日本 Don't treat trade as a weapon 别将贸易协定作为武器 An Asian-Pacific trade deal looks within reach, but politicians should stop seeing it as a way to contain China 亚太贸
  • 经济学人:希腊财政部长 心不在焉的教授 Greece's finance minister 希腊财政部长 Absent professor 心不在焉的教授 The immovable Yanis Varoufakis 毫不动摇的雅尼斯瓦鲁法克斯 ALMOST every recent Greek finance minister has been an Athens university economics professor mo
  • 经济学人:年轻选民 无情的谬误 Young voters 年轻选民 Apathetic fallacy 无情的谬误 Online voting could transform Britain's electorate 网络投票改变英国选民 Fancy a snap election? 喜欢临时选举? ONE-BY-ONE they approach the lectern, explaining why they will
  • 经济学人:厚葬理查德三世 大力出效益 Burying Richard III 厚葬理查德三世 The hunch paid off 大力出效益 Leicester does a better job of burying a Plantagenet king at the second attempt 二葬金雀花王朝国王,莱斯特市更胜一筹 Top this, Tudors 看看人家,都铎王
  • 经济学人:制鞋业 亚洲花皮鞋 Shoemaking 制鞋业 Asian brogue 亚洲花皮鞋 Exports help to revive the high end of Britain's decimated shoe industry 进口帮助拯救英国衰落的高端制鞋业 FROM the attic of his cramped old factory in the middle of Northampton, Stephe
  • 经济学人:难民-艰难的旅途 Refugees The hard journey Europe's plan to cope with maritime refugees needs to go further 难民 艰难的旅途 欧洲为应对海飘难民而制定的计划还需要做的更多,考虑的更深远。 THE gulf between sentiment and action is as w
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