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  • 经济学人:土耳其和欧盟 舆论自由的末日? Turkey and the European Union 土耳其和欧盟 Media freedom RIP? 舆论自由的末日? A fresh round of arrests takes relations with the European Union to a new low 新一轮的媒体洗牌让土耳其和欧盟的关系达到了冰点。 WE HAV
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  • 经济学人:德国与希腊 如有必要就退出 Germany and Greece 德国与希腊 Go if you must 如有必要就退出 Angela Merkel appears to have become more sanguine about a Grexit 安吉拉默克尔对希腊退出欧元区的态度似乎变得更加乐观 Merkel points the way for Samaras 默克
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  • 经济学人:新兴银行 扰乱时机正当时 New banks 新兴银行 Ripe for disruption 扰乱时机正当时 A rush of new entrants hope to shake up banking 新兴银行这股狂流欲重组银行业 I PROMISE to open a bank account for a British citizen in just two minutes, says Nazzim Ishaqu
  • 经济学人:莱克星顿 你好沙特小独裁 Lexington 莱克星顿 Hugging the Saudi floggers 你好,沙特小独裁 America should reconsider its cosy relationship with Saudi Arabia 美国应该重新审议它同沙特阿拉伯之间的舒适关系 ON THE way back from carving up the world
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