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  • 经济学人:处于改革浪潮中的庞大机构 政府官员的经验之谈 Reforming Leviathan 处于改革浪潮中的庞大机构 Mandarin lessons 政府官员的经验之谈 Governments need to rethink how they reward and motivate civil servants 政府需要重新思考如何去奖励和提升公务员的工作动力。
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  • 经济学人:土耳其大选 反对票会占多大比例 Turkey's election 土耳其大选 How big will the protest vote be? 反对票会占多大比例? Why the ruling AK party may not do as well on June 7th as in the past 土耳其执政党正义与发展党在6月7日大选的表现为何会不如以往
  • 经济学人:深陷危机 泰国局势急转直下 Thailand 泰国 Everything is broken 支离破碎 Long in crisis, Thailand is close to the brink. Without compromises on both sides, it may well collapse 深陷危机,泰国局势急转直下。对峙双方若互不让步,该国局势可能即将崩
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  • 经济学人:商业组织联合体 机制正被打破 Cartel-busting 商业组织联合体机制正被打破 Boring can still be bad 无趣之势依旧呈现糟糕状态 Market-rigging in unsexy industries costs consumers a lot. More can be done to detect and deter it. 无聊行业在操纵市场方面使
  • 经济学人:乌克兰大选 好马无好鞍 Ukraine's election 乌克兰大选 Good voters, not such good guys 好马无好鞍 The poll results were promising, but the future for Ukraine is dauntingly difficult 大选的结局充满希望,但是乌克兰的未来依然扑朔迷离 TO ALL app
  • 经济学人:足球 竞技精彩 交易龌蹉 Football 足球 Beautiful game, dirty business 竞技精彩,交易龌蹉 Football is a great sport, but it could be so much better if it were run honestly 作为一项伟大运动的足球,公平竞争能让它变得更好。 THE mesmerising wiza
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