经济学人:苹果公司 霸业已成
Apple 苹果公司 iThrone 霸业已成 Apple reigns supreme when it comes to making money, but now faces even greater expectations 说到企业的赚钱能力方面,苹果公司无疑是全球的霸主,但现在他们却面临着更高的期望
经济学人:美国自杀事件 令人发指地无底洞
Suicide in America 美国自杀事件 An awful hole 令人发指地无底洞 Why more Americans are killing themselves 为何越来越多美国人自杀 BEING depressed is like having a terrible headache, says one Atlanta businessman. Except that a f
经济学人:意大利总统 伦齐如虎添翼
Italy's president 意大利总统 Matteo gets his man 伦齐如虎添翼 The choice of Italy's president is good news for the prime minister 意大利总统的新人选对首相来说是个好消息 SERGIO MATTARELLA, a 73-year-old Sicilian, constitu
经济学人:经济学教育 经济学课程不断发展但节奏略慢
Teaching economics 经济学教育 The demand side 需求方 The economics curriculum is evolving, but too slowly for some 经济学课程正在不断发展,但对于某些人来说节奏略慢 I DON'T care who writes a nation's laws, or crafts its
经济学人:骑行在伦敦 车轮上的野心
Cycling in London 骑行在伦敦 Wheel ambition 车轮上的野心 Gradually, the capital is becoming a better place for cyclists 渐渐地,首都变成了一个更适宜骑行的地方 TWO things are commonly seen atop the head of Boris Johnson,
经济学人:外来移民 热烈欢迎
Immigration 外来移民 Rolling out the welcome mat 热烈欢迎 Two cities hope that embracing immigrants can reverse their decline 两座城市希望,外来移民的到来能改善城市人口流失状况 THREE years ago Jenny Salgado, a Dominic
Politics this week 本周政治 The new prime minister of Greece, Alexis Tsipras, and his finance minister, Yanis Varoufakis (above left), toured Europe in search of debt relief and support against austerity. Mr Varoufakis floated a plan to replace G
经济学人:意大利的劳动市场 变奏进行中
Italy's labour market 意大利的劳动市场 Marching to a different tune 变奏进行中 A bold move to free up employment 开放就业市场的大胆举措 WHILE many people's eyes were on Greece, another southern European country was taking a ve
经济学人:希拉里的电子邮件 对透明度的破坏
Hillary Clinton's e-mails 希拉里克林顿的电子邮件 Nothing to hide? 毫不隐瞒? A hoo-hah about transparency 对透明度的破坏 AS SCANDALS involving people called Clinton go, it seems a bit tame. On March 2nd theNew York Times reveal
经济学人:南极洲 核心价值
Antarctica 南极洲 Core values 核心价值 The southern continent hots up 南方大陆热闹起来了 ANTARCTICA is 2,700km away. Yet as the brief austral summer fades, for Hobart, the capital of the Australian state of Tasmania, it is big busines
经济学人:东南亚电商 本土优势
E-commerce in South-East Asia 东南亚电商 Home-field advantage 本土优势 The global online-shopping giants may not find it easy to conquer the region 全球的电商巨人可能都难以征服这一地区 TROPICAL rain pounds on the roof of a
经济学人:护理保险 前景光明
Care insurance 护理保险 Forever young 前景光明 Nobody wants to insure themselves against the cost of end-of-life care 没有人能保证他们不需要生命终期护理 GOOD news for cruise ships: the ranks of the over-65s grew by 1.4m over
经济学人:英国政坛 饱受压迫的工党
Politics 英国政坛 Downtrodden Labour 饱受压迫的工党 Why Conservatives are talking up a Labour-SNP coalition 保守党吹捧工党和苏格兰国民党联盟的原因 My wee prime minister 我的迷你首相 SPRING is in the air in Westmins
经济学人:税收鼓励 火花飞舞
Tax incentives 税收鼓励 Sparks fly 火花飞舞 Georgia's breaks for electric vehicles may be too good to last 乔治亚州对电动车减税的做法,犹如昙花一现,怕长久不了 OLIVIA PEDERSEN thought the Nissan Leaf parked outside h
经济学人:英国的基因史 你认为自己是谁?
The genetic history of Britain 英国的基因史 Who do you think you are? 你认为自己是谁? An analysis of Britons' genes confirms some myths and explodes others 对英国人基因的一项分析论证了神话中的虚与实 THE waves of in