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  • 经济学人:法兰西教育 会考后的忧伤 French education 法兰西教育 Bac blues 会考后的忧伤 Moves are afoot to reconsider France's harsh grading system 法国正在考虑改革它苛刻的成绩评级制度 WARY of competition when it comes to global markets, the French embrace i
  • 经济学人:希拉里克林顿 新书欠精彩 莱克星顿 希拉里克林顿新书欠精彩 influencers 对这本枯燥乏味回忆录的最好诠释是为代理人和有影响力者写就的简明手册 Hard Choices, a new memoir published on June 10th. As she worked tirelessly to prepare for
  • 经济学人:尼日利亚 为何感觉完了? Nigeria 尼日利亚 Why northerners feel done down 为何感觉完了? A terrorist insurgency has deepened a poor region's already grave problems 恐怖叛乱贫困的北方雪上加霜 THE roads are thick with traffic and pavements throng with ha
  • 经济学人:西班牙和加泰罗尼亚 加泰罗尼亚的绯闻 Spain and the Catalans 西班牙和加泰罗尼亚 Scandal in Catalonia 加泰罗尼亚的绯闻 Jordi Pujol's confession undermines Catalans' hopes of independence Jordi Pujol的忏悔摧毁了加泰罗尼亚人独立的希望 IT IS not the narrativ
  • 经济学人:苏格兰独立 火花四溅 Scottish independence 苏格兰独立 Sparks flying 火花四溅 Poverty and dependence on the state pull Scots in opposite directions 贫困和对英国的依赖将苏格兰拉离了原来的方向 BETTING shops in Rosyth are rowdier than usual. The
  • 经济学人:停车场 四轮热 Car parking 停车场 Four wheel fever 四轮热 Even with a mayor, Bristol may not get a coherent transport policy 即便市长出马,布里斯托尔也不见得能出台一个合理的交通政策 Try and put a ticket on this 贴张罚单试试 C
  • 经济学人:西班牙经济 伊比利亚的黎明 Spain's economy 西班牙经济 Iberian dawn 伊比利亚的黎明 The labour market is recovering at last. But it needs further reform 劳动市场最终还是复苏了,但是其需要进一步的改革。 THIS was the news the government had been
  • 经济学人:乌克兰东部 战争持续伤亡增多 Eastern Ukraine 乌克兰东部 Fighting on 坚持战斗 As the battle continues and the death toll mounts, the West imposes more sanctions 战争持续,伤亡增多,西方国家加强制裁 THE two presidents could not have offered a greater con
  • 经济学人:北欧掌控 一次斯堪的纳维亚狂潮 The Nordics in charge 北欧掌控 A Scandinavian wave 一次斯堪的纳维亚狂潮 How the Nordics get so many senior international positions 北欧为何拥有众多较高的国际职位 WHEN it comes to international jobs, Scandinavia does well.
  • 经济学人:法国艰难昔日的重演 其实不快乐 French rail strikes 法国铁路罢工 Unhappiness is the truth 其实不快乐 A rerun of Francehs bad old days tests the Socialist government's resolve 法国艰难昔日的重演是社会主义政府决心的试金石 The long march to work 上班长
  • 经济学人:工党的下坡路 背离大路 The Labour Party's funk 工党的下坡路 Running out of road 背离大路 Labour is an increasingly unpopular party with lots of popular policies 工党政策广受称赞,自己却日益遭嫌 IF POLITICAL platforms were the sum of their parts, t
  • 经济学人:能源定价 远程控制 Pricing energy 能源定价 Remote controls 远程控制 Smart meters promise another reason to resent energy firms 智能电表成为人们抱怨能源公司的又一理由 The midnight oil 午夜石油乐队 GOOD neighbours avoid doing laundry in t
  • 经济学人:就业市场 毫无余地 Employment 就业市场 Zero tolerance 毫无余地 The problem with zero-hours contracts is not that they are too flexible 零时工合同的问题可不是时间太灵活 BRITAIN'S flexible labour market was a boon during the economic slump, helpin
  • 经济学人:经营BBC 姨妈的困境 Running the BBC 经营BBC Auntie's dilemma 姨妈的困境 Lord Patten's successor will be transient 彭定康爵士的继任者的位子肯定坐不久 A BBC comedy, W1A, sends up blame-shifting managers and corporate gobbledygook at the nation's br
  • 经济学人:政治宣传 海报其实很无能 Political advertising 政治宣传 Posters aren't working 海报其实很无能 The pros and cons of Britain's favourite political campaign tactic 英国应用最广政治竞选策略之利弊 WHO really runs this country? UKIP poses that question on