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  • 经济学人:囚犯与工作 军队文化的怪象?(1) United States 美国 Prisoners and Jobs: Going Straight 囚犯与工作:直截了当 Banning employers from asking about criminal records may not work. 禁止雇主要求犯罪记录可能并不奏效。 Dion got his first paying job at 14which wou
  • 经济学人:囚犯与工作 军队文化的怪象?(2) In an effort to force employers to change, 26 state and 150 municipal legislatures have adopted ban the box legislation that removes declarations of criminal history from job-application forms. 为了设法迫使雇主做出改变,26个州和150个市
  • 经济学人:俄罗斯干涉美国大选 各自为战(1) United States 美国 The Russia investigation: Each to His Own 俄罗斯调查:各自为战 What better to counter accusations of a conspiracy than a conspiracy theory? 有什么比用阴谋论为自己的间谍罪平反更好的方法呢? It sho
  • 经济学人:俄罗斯干涉美国大选 各自为战(2) Some of the loudest voices in conservative media, including Sean Hannity of Fox News and Newt Gingrich, the former speaker of the House, have peddled a conspiracy theory 福克斯新闻的Sean Hannity和美国众议院议长Newt Gingrich这些保守派
  • 经济学人:技术移民 六级与分裂(1) United States 美国 Skilled Immigration: Six degrees and separation 技术移民:六级与分裂 Immigrants are arriving better educated than ever before. 移民受教育水平比以往有所提高 Jose Rommel Umano, who is originally from the Phi
  • 经济学人:技术移民 六级与分裂(2) A further 20% entered through preferences given to other family members. 另外有20%的人从其他家庭成员获得了优先权。 That left just 14% who were sponsored by companies, about the same share who first entered the country as refugees o
  • 经济学人:英国投票 到底哪里出了错?(1) Britain 英国 The Vote: Whodunit? 投票:谁干的? Post-mortem of Britain's electoral upset. 英国大选意外结果的事后反思。 The Conservative Party began the election campaign with an enormous lead and even on election day was expect
  • 经济学人:英国投票 到底哪里出了错?(2) The Tories did best in constituencies that voted heavily for Brexit: in six of their eight new English seats the Leave vote was over 60%. 在进行选区保守党做的最好的,有很多选民支持退欧:在他们的八个新英国座位中,有
  • 经济学人:中澳关系 中国企业在澳洲的投资(1) Asia 亚洲 Australia and China: Meddle kingdom 中澳关系:干预 New revelations about Chinese political donations set hands wringing. 对于来自中国政治捐款的新揭秘让澳大利亚人紧张不已。 When Malcolm Turnbull, Australia's
  • 经济学人:中澳关系 中国企业在澳洲的投资(2) Mr. Huang also donated almost A$2m to help launch the Australia-China Relations Institute, a think-tank in Sydney. 黄还捐赠了200万澳元用来帮助成立一家坐落在悉尼的智库澳大利亚-中国关系研究院。 Bob Carr, its head and
  • 经济学人:丘吉尔 演讲时的灵魂人物(1) Britain 英国 Winston Churchill: We will cite him in our speeches 温斯顿丘吉尔:我们将会在我们演说中提到他 At odds with Europe, Britain pines for a strong and stable leader. 因为与欧洲不和,英国希望有一个强壮且坚
  • 经济学人:丘吉尔 演讲时的灵魂人物(2) Churchill's Secret, a made-for-TV film released in February 2016, and The Crown, a series which made its debut on Netflix in November 2016, 电视电影《丘吉尔的秘密》发行于2016年2月,2016年11月在网飞公司首次登台亮相的电视
  • 经济学人:朝鲜 又一个受害者(1) Churchill's Secret, a made-for-TV film released in February 2016, and The Crown, a series which made its debut on Netflix in November 2016, 电视电影《丘吉尔的秘密》发行于2016年2月,2016年11月在网飞公司首次登台亮相的电视
  • 经济学人:朝鲜 又一个受害者(2) Although 18 American citizens have been detained by North Korea over the past two decades 尽管在过去的二十年里,有18名美国公民被朝鲜扣留 (and ten since Kim Jong Un, its leader, took power five-and-a-half years ago), they have ra
  • 经济学人:巴西政治丑闻:特梅尔生气了(1) The Americas 美洲 Brazil's Political Scandal: Temer tantrum 巴西政治丑闻:特梅尔生气了 Bribery charges will not bring down the president just yet. 受贿指控并不会导致总统下台。 Ever since an audio recording emerged in May