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  • 《美少女的谎言》第3季第147期:挑破离间 Hey. You want some coffee? 来点咖啡吗 Em, you know how much we love you, right? 艾米 你知道我们有多爱你 We love you enough to tell you the truth, 即使真相会令你受伤害 even when it hurts. 我们还是要告诉你 This doesn't
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  • 《美少女的谎言》第3季第150期:艾莉森创造的另一个怪物 If we don't hear from them the next hour, 要是再过一个小时还没她们的消息 I think we should revisit the idea of telling her parents. 我们还是应该告诉她父母 I agree. 同意 This is probably Paige just killing time 或者佩奇只
  • 《美少女的谎言》第3季第151期:我只是想确认你过得好不好 Hello. Hi, Em, it's me. 你好 艾米 是我 Please don't hang up. 不要挂断 拜托 I want to make sure you're okay. 我想确认你好不好 Spencer and I are in town, 斯宾塞和我在镇上 and there are reporters everywhere. 这里到处是记者
  • 《美少女的谎言》第3季第152期:孩子的亲生父亲 You know the truth. Why haven't you told him? 你明明知道真相 为什么不告诉他 That's not something you spring on someone. 不是随随便便就能告诉他的 What are you doing here? 你来干什么 I was curious. He's the father of my s
  • 《美少女的谎言》第3季第153期:爱上她的笑容 Oh, my god. You scared me half to death. 天呐 你差点把我魂吓没了 Not really... But I will. 不见得...但是我会的 I wanted to give you this in person, 我想亲自把这个交给你 because I want to be there when you watch it. 因为我
  • 《美少女的谎言》第3季第154期:蓄谋已久 I want you to see this. 我想让你看着我这么做 No. No! 不 不要 My friends know I'm here. 我的朋友们知道我在这儿 My mom knows. They'll find you. 我妈也知道 他们会找到你的 You underestimate me, Emily. 你低估我了 艾
  • 《美少女的谎言》第3季第155期:梦娜改过自新 Is it a bad time? What are you doing here? 来的不是时候吗 你在这儿干嘛 My doctors released me. In the middle of the night? 医生让我出院了 大半夜吗 Hanna, I need your help. 汉娜 你得帮我 My parents are forcing me to go ba
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  • 《美少女的谎言》第3季第157期:已经有两个人死去了 So this is the new world order? 又来一套新世界秩序了 We're gonna have to face off with Mona in school every day? 我们每天都得和梦娜打照面了 She told Hanna that she's better now. Better at what? 她跟汉娜说她已经好多了
  • 《美少女的谎言》第3季第158期:梦娜重新做人? What's that? 这是什么 Someone baked you some muffins and left 'em at the door. 有人为你烤了些松饼 放在门口了 Who's M? M是谁 Mona. Mona? 梦娜 梦娜 You don't have to eat these. 你不想吃就别吃了 I've got huevos rancheros,
  • 《美少女的谎言》第3季第159期:你说我父亲要杀我? I'm basically under house arrest. 我基本上就是被软禁了 My mom's now using my dad to squeeze information outta me 我妈想让我爸从我这里问出来 about Halloween, the Lighthouse. 万圣节那天在灯塔岩客栈发生的事 What hav
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