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词汇量测试当前位置: 首页>听力教程>双语有声读物>荆棘鸟>
  • 【荆棘鸟】第三章 08

    让我们再回到你刚刚说过的、基里不在教皇主教使节版图中央的话题上来吧, 她说着,往椅子里角坐了坐,你认为有什么能把那位神父先生好好震撼一下,使 基里成为他的生活的转折点呢?...

  • 【荆棘鸟】第三章 07

    I do doubt. What thinking man doesn't? That's why at times I'm empty. He looked beyond her, at something she couldn't see. Do you know, I think I'd give up every ambition, every desire in me, for the chance to be a perfect priest? Perfection in anyth...

  • 【荆棘鸟】第三章 06

    What compels you to suffer the dust, the heat and the Gilly flies? For all you know, it might be a life sentence. A shadow momentarily dimmed the blue eyes, but he smiled, pitying her. You're a great comfort, aren't you? His lips parted, he looked to...

  • 【荆棘鸟】第三章 05

    基兰博算不上是教皇主教使节版图的中央吧。还可能有更糟糕的地方。我在这儿至少有您、有德罗海达呢。 她心领神会地接受了他那有意的、露骨的奉承,她欣赏他那堂堂的仪表,他那殷勤的...

  • 【荆棘鸟】第三章 04

    他克制着自己,使脸上不露出怨恨的神色;这个教区是他培养自我克制的好地 方。假如有朝一日他有机会摆脱他的脾气给他招来的默默无闻的处境,他就不会再 重蹈覆辙了。要是他善用心机...

  • 【荆棘鸟】第三章 03

    As Father Ralph parked his car and walked across the lawn, the maid waited on the front veranda, her freckled face wreathed in smiles. Good morning, Minnie, he said. Oh, Father, happy it is to see you this fine dear morning, she said in her strong br...

  • 【荆棘鸟】第三章 02

    Built of butter-yellow sandstone blocks hand hewn in quarries five hundred miles eastward, the house had two stories and was constructed on austerely Georgian lines, with large, many-paned windows and a wide, iron-pillared veranda running all the way...

  • 【荆棘鸟】第三章 01

    Section Two 1921-1928 Ralph The road to Drogheda brought back no memories of his youth, thought Father Ralph de Bricassart, eyes half shut against the glare as his new Daimler bounced along in the rutted wheel tracks that marched through the long sil...

  • 【荆棘鸟】第二章 28

    他边说着,边解下了弗兰克身上那沉重的铁链,粗暴地把他推到了前门。他被帕迪的身子绊住了,他马上往后退缩着,仿佛这种触碰刺痛了他似的。 孩子们躲在离大人20英尺远的房子边上,观...

  • 【荆棘鸟】第二章 27

    In the kitchen the boys were sitting glumly around the table, and Paddy's chair was empty. So was Frank's. Meggie slid into her place and sat there, teeth chattering in fear. After breakfast Fee shooed them outside dourly, and behind the barn Bob bro...

  • 【荆棘鸟】第二章 26

    God, why weren't you older, so I could talk to you? Or maybe it's better that you're so little, maybe it's better . . . . He let her go abruptly, struggling to master himself, rolling his head back and forth against the log, his throat and mouth work...

  • 【荆棘鸟】第二章 25

    The axe was moving so fast it whistled, and the handle made its own separate swishing sound as it slid up and down within his slippery palms. Up it flashed above his head, down it came in a dull silver blur, carving a wedge-shaped chunk out of the ir...

  • 【荆棘鸟】第二章 24

    At first opportunity Frank seized the paper and read the feature hungrily, drinking in its jingoistic prose, his eyes glowing eerily. Daddy, I want to go! he said as he laid the paper down reverently on the table. Fee's head jerked around as she slop...

  • 【荆棘鸟】第二章 23

    Meggie held her head up and kept her eyes dry. She was learning. It didn't matter what anyone else thought, it didn't, it didn't! The other girls avoided her, half because they were frightened of Bob and Jack, half because the word had got around the...

  • 【荆棘鸟】第二章 22

    So she sent the girl home and told her not to come back until her head was clean. I left her and Sister Declan and Sister Catherine looking through every head in the school, and there turned out to be a lot of lousy ones. Those three nuns were scratc...
