The skin will swell at the place where you were stung, and that spot will feel very sore for several days. 皮肤被叮咬的地方高高肿起, 在接下来的几天时间里, 这个伤口都会令人感到疼痛难忍。 The hive bee is dark brown...
Lesson 84 The Busy Bee 第84课 勤劳的蜜蜂 Have you ever seen a hive of bees? 你有没有看到过蜂箱? Some hives are made with glass sides, through which we can see all that the bees are doing. 有些蜂箱的侧面是玻璃的, 你可以透过...
If you have a money-box, can you find out whether there are any of those pieces of matter which we call coins inside it, without opening the box? 如果你有一个储钱罐, 在不打开它的情况下, 你能知道里面有没有那种被称作硬币...
Lesson 83 Matter, And The Senses 第83课 物质与感觉 All the things that make up the world on which we live are composed of some kind of stuff, or substance, or material. The name which is given to every kind of this stuff is matter , and we say...
Snails do not grow in the winter. They do not come out of their shells at all then, even to eat. When they feel the cold weather coming, each snail finds some quiet place, where it makes a smooth hole in the earth to live in. Then it draws its body i...
Lesson 82 The Garden Snail 第82课 花园中的蜗牛 The winkle which you pick out of its shell with a pin and eat is a sea-snail. But we have now to talk about the common land-snail, which creeps about our gardens. It has a house on its back, in t...
The torn rags are then boiled in water to which lime and soda have been added. This mixture removes all grease, stains, and colouring matters. The clean white rags are next put with water into another machine, which pulls the fibres apart, tears them...
Lesson 81 A Sheet Of Paper 第81课 一张纸 Let us tear a piece of blotting-paper across and look at the torn edges. We see that the paper is made of a great many very fine little threads or fibres. If we pull a cotton thread or a piece of twine to...
The rock called sandstone is made up of a great many grains of sand. The beating of the rain on this rock washes the grains apart, and so the hard sandstone slowly changes into loose sand. 砂岩主要由大量沙粒组成。当雨水打下来的时候...
Lesson 80 The Soil Beneath Our Feet 第80课 我们脚下的土地 Perhaps you have seen men digging in the earth, either preparing for the foundations of a house, or making a deep ditch or a railway cutting. If you watch them at work, you will see t...