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      《查理和巧克力工厂》(Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)于2005年上映,改编自1964年罗尔德·达尔的同名小说。电影由蒂姆·伯顿导演,约翰尼·德普饰威利·旺卡,弗雷迪·海默饰查理·巴克特。这是在1971年的电影《威利·旺卡和巧克力工厂》之后的第二部改编自此书的电影,上一部《威利·旺卡和巧克力工厂》是由Mel Stuart指导。




  • 听电影学英语-查理和巧克力工厂 01 [04:16.46]这是一个平凡小男孩的故事... This is a story of an ordinary little boy... [04:20.06]他名叫查理巴格特 named Charlie Bucket. [04:23.77]他并不比别的小孩跑得快 也不比他们强壮或是聪明 He was not faster or
  • 听电影学英语-查理和巧克力工厂 02 [00:03.97]-大家好 -你好 -Evening, Buckets. -Evening. [00:05.81]爸爸 Hi, Dad. [00:09.38]汤快煮好了 老公 Soups almost ready, darling. [00:12.22]应该没得加菜吧? Dont suppose theres anything extra to put in, love. [00:16.29]算了 甘蓝
  • 听电影学英语-查理和巧克力工厂 03 [00:24.07](秘密配方) [00:33.31]菲克尔格鲁伯开始制造 永不融化的冰淇淋 Fickelgruber started making an ice cream that would never melt. [00:37.52]普罗德诺斯生产了 味道永不变淡的口香糖 Prodnose came out with a chew
  • 听电影学英语-查理和巧克力工厂 04 [00:04.12]亲爱的世人... Dear people of the world... [00:06.62]我...威利旺卡... I, Willy Wonka... [00:08.56]决定让五个小朋友 来参观我的工厂 have decided to allow five children to visit my factory this year. [00:13.13]另外 其中
  • 听电影学英语-查理和巧克力工厂 05 [00:01.36]今晚就拆生日礼物 maybe you wanna open your birthday present tonight. [00:10.74]拿去吧 Here you are. [00:18.41](一流开心牛奶巧克力软糖) [00:24.58]我等明天早上再拆好了 Maybe I should wait till morning. [00:26.3
  • 听电影学英语-查理和巧克力工厂 06 [00:01.17]牙膏工厂希望我能休息一阵子 Oh, well, the toothpaste factory thought theyd give me a bit of time off. [00:05.77]像暑假一样? Like summer vacation? [00:07.81]对 就是那样 Sure. Something like that. [00:13.54]其实他根本
  • 听电影学英语-查理和巧克力工厂 07 [00:02.51]妈! 爸! Mom! Dad! [00:05.54]我找到了! I found it! [00:07.88]最后一张金奖券! 是我的! The last golden ticket! Its mine! [00:32.87]拿去 Here. [00:34.91]大声念出来 看看上面写什么 Read it aloud. Lets hear exactly wh
  • 听电影学英语-查理和巧克力工厂 08 [00:01.82]亲爱的贵宾... Dear visitors... [00:04.05]很荣幸各位来参观我的小工厂 it is my great pleasure to welcome you to my humble factory. [00:11.59]我是谁呢? And who am I? [00:15.00]这个嘛... Well... [00:20.43]威利旺卡 威
  • 听电影学英语-查理和巧克力工厂 09 [00:14.90]-想不想吃巧克力? -好啊 -Would you like some chocolate? -Sure. [00:17.23]那你要自己带啊 Then you shouldve brought some. [00:23.04]-我们当好朋友吧 -最好的朋友 -Lets be friends. -Best friends. [00:37.79]这个房间很
  • 听电影学英语-查理和巧克力工厂 10 [00:01.52]他们是真人吗? Are they real people? [00:03.53]他们当然是真人 他们是奥柏伦柏人 Of course theyre real people. Theyre Oompa-Loompas. [00:09.70]-奥柏伦柏人? -直接从伦柏地进口的 -Oompa-Loompas? -Imported, direc
  • 听电影学英语-查理和巧克力工厂 11 [00:02.10]他们在干嘛? What are they doing? [00:06.08]他们应该是想唱歌给我们听 这是很特别的场合 Theyre going to treat us to a little song. It is quite a special occasion. [00:10.21]他们很久没观众了 They havent had a fr
  • 听电影学英语-查理和巧克力工厂 12 [00:21.35]有什么好笑的? Whats so funny? [00:23.35]应该是吃了太多可可豆吧 I think its from all those doggone cocoa beans. [00:26.25]对了 你们知不知道 巧克力有一种成份... Hey, by the way, did you guys know that chocolat
  • 听电影学英语-查理和巧克力工厂 13 [00:16.07]说不定我不会过敏 Maybe Im not allergic. [00:18.48]让我吃一小块看看 I could try a piece. [00:20.21]真的吗? Really? [00:22.08]何必冒这个险呢? But why take a chance? [00:39.63]旺卡先生? Mr. Wonka? Mr. Wonka? [00:4
  • 听电影学英语-查理和巧克力工厂 14 [00:44.11]就这样吗? You mean thats it? [00:45.88]你知不知道那是什么? Do you even know what it is? [00:48.15]-那是口香糖 -答对了 -Its gum. -Yeah. [00:50.32]这是全宇宙最不可思议 足以轰动世界的口香糖 Its a stick
  • 听电影学英语-查理和巧克力工厂 15 [00:15.35]最后吧嗒咬了一大口 And with one great, tremendous chew [00:17.69]竟咬断了这位小姐的舌头 They bite the poor girls tongue in two [00:20.16]正是因为这个缘故 我们要尽力... And that is why we try so hard... [00:2