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  • 《童话镇》第306期:玛丽的尴尬处境 What was all that howling? 整夜嚎叫的东西是什么 It's wolfstime. Killer wolf out there.As big as a pony but a lot more bloodthirsty.It's been stalking the area pretty regular. 现在是狼的活动期 有杀人狼在游荡 像小马一样大
  • 《童话镇》第307期:路遇鲁比 You two are gonna look bad until we figure the truth out. 查明真相之前 你们的嫌疑会很大 You mean David? That people are going to think in order to... be free with me... 你是说戴维 人们会认为他害了凯思琳 为了...和我在一
  • 《童话镇》第308期:卢卡斯阻止杀狼 Yeah, well, buses out of town don't really happen. And you might want a destination first. 但是 没有出镇的公交啊 况且你得先定下目的地 Hey, if you need a place to figure things out, you could always come home with us. 如果你想要
  • 《童话镇》第309期:残忍的过往 Nearly threescore years ago, I was a child with six old brothers 大约在六十年前我还是有着六个哥哥的小孩子 Big as oak trees, all of them veterans of the second ogreswar, and my father the biggest of them all. 他们壮如栎树 都经
  • 《童话镇》第310期:小红帽与玛丽谈心 Then it looked at me with eyes so black they weren't even there, and it walked away. 随后它瞪着我 漆黑的双眼仿佛虚无 然后它就走了 You ever see a wild animal just turn its back and walk away like you don't matter? 你们见过野兽
  • 《童话镇》第311期:小红帽决定杀狼 Let's kill the wolf. 咱去杀了那头狼吧 Hang on. 你三思啊 We'd be heroes. 我们会成为英雄 Red, teams of trained hunters have been killed. 小红帽 训练有素的猎人接连被杀 But they go at night when it's got the advantage. 谁让
  • 《童话镇》第313期:鲁比找工作 And those.Oh, my gods. How big is this thing? 那边还有 天哪 这东西到底有多大 This was one stride? From here... To there? 这是一个跨步 从这里 到那里 Come on. Over there, through the brush and off towards the hill. 走吧 那边
  • 《童话镇》第314期:鲁比的新工作 I actually have some money in the budget if you wanna help out around here. 如果你想在这边帮忙的话 我的预算里还有钱 Yes! Thank you. Yes. Um, I could answer phones and help out. 好啊 谢谢 想啊 我可以接电话 帮大家解决困
  • 《童话镇》第315期:彼特是狼人? So... Yeah? Wolfstime is once a month, on the full moon.There's a story I heard once about a creature 那么 什么 狼的活动期是每月的满月 我曾经听过一个生物的故事 Aren't we awfully close to the cottage? 我们是不是已经离小
  • 《童话镇》第316期:鲁比的炫耀 I need a couple of grilled cheeses.I'm working over at the sheriff's station now. 我要点烤奶酪 我正在警局办公 Sort of like a... Like a deputy, you know? I guess sometimes your fate finds you. 我就像是...就像是个副警长 看来有时
  • 《童话镇》第317期:我什么都愿意 Oh, my gods. Those men. They died. If I did that... 老天 那些人 他们都死了 如果凶手是我 Forget the past. Think of the future.We can go now, Peter, have lives. 忘了过去 想想未来 我们现在走吧 彼得 一起好好生活 All
  • 《童话镇》第318期:鲁比与旺斯警长查案 Okay, kid. Don't mean to kick you out, but I gotta go see if David's in some kind of trouble out there. 好了 孩子 我不是想赶你走 但我得去看看戴维是不是在外面遇到了麻烦 It's okay. I'm supposed to meet my mom. There. Nice.
  • 《童话镇》第319期:戴维失忆 I know where he is. Don't you? No. 我知道他在哪了 你没听见吗 没听见 What are you doing? 你在做什么 He's over here! 他在这里 Ruby! Ruby? David? Oh, God. Come on. David, come on. Wake up.David, wake up. 鲁比 鲁比 戴维 天啊
  • 《童话镇》第320期:戴维自我怀疑 We'll figure it out. 我们会查清楚的 It's so strange. I can't even believe it happened. 太奇怪了 真不敢相信有这种事 How functional could he be during one of these episodes? I mean, he talked to someone. 他发作的时候能做些什
  • 《童话镇》第321期:鲁比查案 Sheriff's station. Thank you for calling. How may I direct your... 警察局 感谢来电 我能帮您... Hey, stop. It's me. Here's the thingthe last time David went for a dream walk, he went to the toll bridge. 停 是我 是这样的 上一次戴维