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  • 【英音模仿秀】勿让空想迷住双眼

    模仿文本: More's targets were, among others, abuse of the world prerogative and the depredations of land enclosure, both hot topics in England of the 1500s. The fantastical air of his invented non-place, with its bizarre social mores and custom...

  • 【英音模仿秀】英超严厉打击盗版

    模仿文本: Now the weekend, we'll see the new season of the English Premier League kick off. Good news for fans of the beautiful game and for its money men. The League earned more than four and a half billion dollars last year and equally large...

  • 【英音模仿秀】阿森纳0-0贝西克塔斯

    模仿文本: We start though with news of the opening first-leg matches in the UEFA Champions League play-off round. The English side Arsenal entered the competition looking to make the group stages for a 17th straight season. And they were away a...

  • 【英音模仿秀】二十年后再无演员?

    模仿文本:A film out this week that raises a question: one day whether you're watching alone or in a crowd, will the characters on screen be played by real actors or just digitally-reassembled versions of them? The Congress is a futuristic drama...

  • 【英音模仿秀】残缺之美

    模仿文本:Artist Alison Lapper must have one of the most famous bodies in the UK. A statue of her naked and heavily pregnant was displayed in London's Trafalgar Square for two years and a huge inflatable version was a highlight of London's 2012...

  • 【英音模仿秀】金融业借金钱挽回声誉

    模仿文本:The reputation of the financial sector has taken a terrible battering in the aftermath of the crisis. There's the obvious aspect to whether it's fit for purpose, but there's also been a succession of legal actions, involving allegation...

  • 【英音模仿秀】“喜忧参半”的埃博拉新闻集锦

    模仿文本: The Ebola virus has killed more than 1,300 people in West Africa and sowed fear amongst millions more. On Thursday, the Irish authorities announced that they're testing the body of a man who recently died in Ireland having developed w...

  • 【英音模仿秀】忠君与爱国

    模仿文本:One of that great phrase-maker Samuel Johnson's most famous remarks was: Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel. This bon mot was noted down by Johnson's amanuensis, Boswell, as was his inveterate habit. However, uncharacterist...

  • 【英音模仿秀】美联储年会雷声大雨点小

    模仿文本: But first today US labour market is still feeling the damaging effects of the great recession and the Federal Reserve will need to move cautiously in working out when interest rate should rise. That's what Fed Chairman Janet Yellen sa...

  • 【英音模仿秀】阿根廷“天使”迪马利亚今天签曼联

    模仿文本: This will be the second time in a year that Manchester United have broken their own transfer record and it's further evidence that this is a club very much in search of a lift. It's a deal that surpasses the previous British record se...

  • 【英音模仿秀】超体:吕克·贝松的超级英雄片

    模仿文本: First action entertainment Hollywood style with a touch of Gallic humour as writer director Luc Besson, the man who made Subway and Lon and Nikita, deploys Scarlett Johansson as Lucy. She's a woman threatened by gangsters, yet in poss...

  • 【英音模仿秀】吕克·贝松的超级英雄片

    模仿文本: First action entertainment Hollywood style with a touch of Gallic humour as writer director Luc Besson, the man who made Subway and Lon and Nikita, deploys Scarlett Johansson as Lucy. She's a woman threatened by gangsters, yet in poss...

  • 【英音模仿秀】摇滚名记的童年

    模仿文本: That's later. But before that, the Chinese-American journalist Ben Fong-Torres is a legendary figure in the music business. He was news editor of the influential Rolling Stone magazine in its heyday and interviewed some of the greates...

  • 【英音模仿秀】平等背后

    模仿文本:Coming to you from Stockholm in Sweden, land of the cradle-to-grave welfare state, the most economically and socially equal place in the world, the country that butt the worst of the banking crisis which rocked much of the rest of the...

  • 【英音模仿秀】乌克兰拟申请加入北约

    模仿文本: But first, the Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk has said his government would ask Parliament to seek full membership of NATO. Speaking at a news conference in Brussels, the NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen was as...
