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  • 二孩时代或致'幼儿园荒' 2021年预计缺口11万所

    China's implementation of a universal two-child policy will impose higher requirements on pre-school education resources, resulting in a possible shortage of kindergarten spots, according to a survey by China Youth Daily. 根据《中国青年报》的...

  • 人头马君度在中国恢复增长

    An outstanding performance in the Americas and renewed growth in China for Rmy Cointreaus Cognac business have handed the company a strong first half to the year, writes Peter Wells. 由于旗下干邑业务在美洲地区表现出色以及在中国恢...

  • 日本将推出温泉游乐园 裹浴巾享受刺激

    Ever fancied soaking your feet while simultaneously hurtling through the air on a roller coaster? 你曾幻想过一边泡脚,一边坐在过山车上在空中飞驰吗? Yasuhiro Nagano, the mayor of Beppu city in the south of Japan, which is fam...

  • 全球十大最易出轨国家出炉 泰国人最爱出轨怪辣咖喱

    Many people have come across others who they suspect are cheaters. 生活中,许多人都曾怀疑过伴侣可能感情不忠。 But the secrecy surrounding infidelity makes it difficult to gather much evidence. 然而,出轨本身就具有秘密性...

  • 在过激的世界中坚守礼仪

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  • 早餐吃冰淇淋让你变聪明

    In a discovery that will give nutritionists the shivers, a Japanese scientist has discovered that consuming ice cream for breakfast improves a person's alertness and mental performance. 一位日本科学家的发现让营养学家们不寒而栗,他...

  • 世界上最性感的男人&女人 竟来自这两个国家

    It seems that Kim Kardashian is having a major effect on yet another sexiestlist. 金卡戴珊似乎对一份最性感排名产生了重要的影响。 According to a new survey by MissTravel, a destination dating website, its customers say the world...

  • 以假乱真的艺术 天价巧克力皮鞋

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  • 你在哪个国家的人眼里更加性感

    They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but it seems that often it is even more powerful if that beholder is from a different country. 人们都说情人眼里出西施,但似乎异国人往往更能欣赏你的美。 Much like how peop...

  • 奥巴马传记电影《巴里》即将上映 聚焦纽约大学时光

    If you weep at the thought of a White House without Barack Obama, take comfort in Netflix's new original biopic about the future POTUS as a 20-year-old college student. 如果你因为贝拉克奥巴马将要离开白宫而伤心流泪的话,那就到...

  • 乐视财务困境可能波及中国演艺界名人

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  • 川普当选后一个美国人的心声

    Troubling Times 令人不安的时代 At the conclusion of this last political election (ending with my beloved country being more divided than ever) a friend wrote me a letter sharing her fears and concerns for the future. She ended it with this sen...

  • 发明麦当劳汉堡的他去世了 40年了还是那个味

    The Pittsburgh-area McDonald's franchisee who created the Big Mac nearly 50 years ago has died. 美国匹兹堡地区麦当劳加盟商,50年前发明麦当劳招牌汉堡包巨无霸的制造者去世。 Michael 'Jim' Delligatti was 98. 迈克尔吉...

  • 圣诞整容手术成新风尚

    Not only the most wonderful time of the year, Christmas is, for most people, the most sociable. 对许多人而言,圣诞节不仅是一年当中最美好的时光,也是社交的绝佳机会。 With work parties, family get-togethers and trips t...

  • 纽约中国艺术展以多样性超越地域标签

    Two artists, Sun Xun and Zhou Tao, use video to explore Chinas industrialization and environmental degradation. 孙逊和周滔这两位艺术家用录像探索中国的工业化和环境恶化。 Mr Suns Mythological Time is a surreal, at times over...
