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  • 肯德基推出吮指原味鸡防晒霜 性感新定义

    Chicken is the next level of sexy. Yes yes yes. 性感已迈入了新的维度! Use the sunscreen you wanna use. Be the chicken you wanna be. That's life babe! 用你想用的防晒霜,成为你想成为的鸡,这才是追求! Are you tired o...

  • 这酸爽!肯德基推出有炸鸡味的防晒霜!

    KFC's signature fried chicken has kept millions of diners clucking for more for over 80 years. But would you want to smell like you've been cooking with the Colonel all day? 在过去的80年中,数以百万计的食客吃着肯德基的招牌炸鸡。...

  • 戴安娜王妃获评最时尚女性

    Each decade there is a new 'It' girl who everyone wants to emulate, but it is Princess Diana who has been named the biggest style inspiration of all time. 每个年代都会新出现一个人们争相模仿的时尚女孩,但戴安娜王妃被评为一...

  • 成都纹身爸爸 以胸口纹疤传递爱与力量

    While many use tattoo to cover their scars, a father in Chengdu went in other direction. He got a long scar tattooed on his chest, reported chengdu.cn last Saturday. 别人都是用纹身盖伤疤,可是一位成都的父亲却反其道而行。据《...

  • 太惊艳! 73岁退休老奶奶穿旗袍闯西藏玩哈雷!

    A 73-year-old grandmother has wowed Chinese social media with her edgy fashionable photos. 近日,一位73岁奶奶的一组前卫时尚的照片惊艳了中国社交网络。 In the images, the woman, who is billed as the 'coolest grandmother' by...

  • 印日混血儿当选本年度日本小姐遭网友吐槽

    A half-Indian woman was last Monday crowned Miss Japan, the second year in a row a biracial person has won the beauty pageant. 上周一,一名有着1/2印度血统的女性获得了日本小姐选美冠军,这是连续第二年混血儿在选美大...

  • 英国一对母女赴美参加全球顶级选美大赛

    A mother and daughter team are toasting their incredible success at one of the world's top beauty pageants. 一对母女组合在世界顶级选美比赛中取得了不可思议的成功。 Sarah Louise Pritchard, 41, and Ella Ravenscroft, 18, were c...

  • 打造今秋最火唇妆 黑色系回归

    For beauty aficionados, the look is never complete without that finishing touch. 对于美妆控来说,直到画完最后的点睛之笔,才算完成了整个妆容。 And this fall, that touch is a bold lip. 而今秋,点睛之笔则是醒目的...

  • 没有对比就没有伤害! 别再嫌弃颜值低的小伙伴了!

    Researchers have discovered that our judgements of people vary according to the company they keep and if their companion is a plain Jane or a dull Dave, they seem far more appealing. 研究人员们发现,我们对人们的判断会根据他们的同...

  • 女生请注意! 发圈绑在手腕上有可能要了你的命!

    For decades now, we've been wearing hair ties on our wrists. Not only is this the most convenient method, but it's also the only way we can keep ourselves from losing them otherwise, the darn things just disappear. 几十年来,我们经常把绑头发...

  • 英国最老模特讲述美丽传奇 65岁仍然魅力四射

    A 65-year-old British who regularly strips off for bikini shoots claims that she is the country's oldest glamour model. 英国一位65岁的女子自称是该国最年长的艳模,她经常宽衣解带,拍摄比基尼照。 The 5ft 7in size 10 pe...

  • 让你的肌肤更显年轻的4个小秘诀!

    Experts say that some of our most innocent habits could induce serious damage to our skin. With these little shifts, you'll outsmart them all and stay smooth and lovely. 专家告诉我们,一些我们平时经常忽视的生活习惯也能减少对皮...

  • 麻省理工研发第二皮肤 让你返老回童!

    For those concerned about wrinkly old skin, it might be an ingenious solution: a stretchy second skin that can make aged tissue look more youthful. 对于那些担心皱纹横生的衰老皮肤的人来说,这可能是一种独创解决方案:一种...

  • 在家也能轻松美甲 无需费事找美甲店

    Secret #1: Cuticle oil is a lifesaver. 秘诀1:指缘护理油是救命稻草。 When your nails look sad and you dont have time for a full manicure, cuticle oil can moisturize dry skin. Olive oil or coconut oil will also work perfectly. 指甲不好...

  • 想要秀发? 理发师分享梳头发的一些错误方式!

    It's something that women do on a daily basis but did you know that the way you brush your hair could be ruining it? 梳头是女性们每天都做的事情,但是你知道你梳头的方式会伤发吗? You may carefully select your shampoo and...
