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词汇量测试当前位置: 首页>英语歌曲>听歌学英语>
相关教程: 英语歌曲 英文歌曲
  • 听歌学英语:故事正在展开 And So The Story Goes

    She's on a dusty road alone Travelling' Travelling travelling alone 她独自在满布尘土的路上游荡 She loves to laugh, she loves to live And she love to love 她喜欢笑,喜欢生活,也喜欢爱 She left her home, her family to find th...

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  • 听歌学英语:文艺范必听 The Technicolor Phase

    I am the red in the rose, the flowers on the blankets on your bedroom floor我是玫瑰的一滴红晕,像花瓣铺满你闺房的地毯 And I am the gray in the ghost我是灵性的灰 that hides with your clothes behind your closet door藏在你门...

  • 听歌学英语:当圣诞颂歌巧遇《寓言》God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen

    God rest ye merry, gentlemen, 上帝赐予你快乐,先生们, Let nothing you dismay, 让万事充满希望,无事令你惊慌 Remember Christ our Savior 请记得基督,我们的救世主 Was born on Christmas day, 诞生于圣诞节 To save us...

  • 听歌学英语:世上的每一位女子 Every Woman In The World

    Every night seems dinner and wine Saturday girls 周末女孩,每晚似乎都有晚餐和美酒 I was never in love, never had the time 我从来没有恋爱,没有享受过那种时光 In my hustle and hurried world 在我那喧闹匆忙的世界里...

  • 听歌学英语:迷失如星星 Lost Stars

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  • 听歌学英语:今夜想哭 Tonight I Wanna Cry

    Alone in this house again tonight 今晚房间又只剩我一个人 I got the TV on, 我让电视这么开着 the sound turned down and a bottle of wine 调低音量,拿上一瓶酒。 There's pictures of you and I on the walls around me 看着四周...

  • 听歌学英语:就此放手 Let Me Go

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  • 听歌学英语:假如没有你 Imagine Me Without You

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  • 听歌学英语:小马精灵主题曲 我在这儿 Here I Am

    Here I am - this is me 我就在这/我来了,这就是我 There's no where else on earth I'd rather be 这世上唯有此处让我心仪 Here I am - it's just me and you 我就在这,正好有你伴我 And tonight we make our dreams come true 今晚...

  • 听歌学英语:心之所向 The Heart Wants What It Wants

    You got me sippin' on something 你让我借酒消愁,无法自拔 I can't compare to nothing 无法比拟 I bet for known I'm hoping 我赌这是我想要的 That after this fever I'll survive 这阵狂热过后我会侥幸存活 I know I'm acting...

  • 听歌学英语:维也纳 Vienna

    Slow down, you crazy child 慢点,你这个疯小孩儿 You're so ambitious for a juvenile ['d??v?nail] 不过一个小孩,野心却那么大 But then if you're so smart tell me why you are still so afraid? 你若真聪明,那告诉我为何你要...

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    I've been waiting for the time我一直在等待,等待这一刻 Waiting for you to say you're mine等你告诉我,你属于我 Can't hide these feelings inside我无法隐藏内心的感受 Let me hold you tonight让我今夜拥你入睡 I reall...

  • 听歌学英语:浅浅吟唱,离家哀愁 Five Hundred Miles

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