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  • 绿野仙踪 第9期:遇到芒奇金人(4)

    Now they are all set free, and are grateful to you for the favor. 现在,他们完全自由了,因此要感谢您的恩惠。 Who are the Munchkins? inquired Dorothy. 芒奇金人? 多萝茜疑惑地问。 They are the people who live in this l...

  • 绿野仙踪 第8期:遇到芒奇金人(3)

    You are welcome, most noble Sorceress, to the land of the Munchkins. 最高贵的女术士,欢迎您降临芒奇金人的国家。 We are so grateful to you for having killed the Wicked Witch of East, and for setting our people free from bondage. 我...

  • 绿野仙踪 第7期:遇到芒奇金人(2)

    While she stood looking eagerly at the strange and beautiful sights, 正当她悦意地望着,那奇异美丽的景色时, she noticed coming toward her a group of the queerest people she had ever seen. 看到了一群人向她走过来,她从未...

  • 绿野仙踪 第6期:遇到芒奇金人(1)

    Chapter 2. The Council with the Munchkins 第2章 遇到芒奇金人 She was awakened by a shock, so sudden and severe that if Dorothy had not been laying on the soft bed she might have been hurt. 一个突然而猛烈的震动,把多萝茜震醒了,...

  • 绿野仙踪 第5期:旋风来了(5)

    Hour after hour passed away, and slowly Dorothy got over her fright; 时间一小时一小时地过去了,多萝茜渐渐地不害怕了; but she felt quite lonely, and the wind shrieked so loudly all about her that she nearly became deaf. 然而她...

  • 绿野仙踪 第4期:旋风来了(4)

    Then a strange thing happened. 然后一件怪事发生了。 The house whirled around two or three times and rose slowly through the air. 这屋子旋转了几次,慢慢地升上空中。 Dorothy felt as if she were going up in a balloon. 多萝茜觉...

  • 绿野仙踪 第3期:旋风来了(3)

    Toto was not gray; he was a little black dog, with long silky hair and small black eyes that twinkled merrily on either side of his funny, wee nose. 托托不是灰色的,它是一只小黑狗,有着柔软滑顺的长毛,一对小黑眼睛,在它...

  • 绿野仙踪 第2期:旋风来了(2)

    The sun had baked the plowed land into a gray mass, with little cracks running through it. 太阳烤炙着这篇耕作过的田地,把它变成一片灰色的布满许多裂缝的荒野。 Even the grass was not green, for the sun had burned the to...

  • 绿野仙踪 第1期:旋风来了(1)

    THE WONDERFUL WIZARD OF OZ by L.Frank Baum 《绿野仙踪》 作者:莱曼弗兰克鲍姆 Chapter 1. The cyclone 第一章 旋风来了 Dorothy lived in the midst of the great Kansas prairies, with Uncle Henry, who was a farmer and Aunt Em, who wa...

  • 外研社萤火虫双语系列:绿野仙踪

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