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  • 国务院宣布2020年我国1亿人口落户城镇

    China will help 100m migrants settle in cities to expand urbanization, the country's cabinet announced last Tuesday. 国务院上周二宣布,为推进城镇化进程,我国将帮助1亿外来人口在城市落户。 The government plans to annua...

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  • 叙利亚停火前景渺茫 避免冲突扩大化成为关注焦点

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  • 联合国即将任命葡萄牙前总理古铁雷斯为新秘书长

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  • 感人!72岁退休老人为收养的孙女自学数学!

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    A third Saturn moon may have a subsurface ocean with potential for life, researchers say. 研究人员日前表示,第三颗土星卫星可能存在表面深层海洋及潜在生命形式。 Using gravity data from the Cassini probe, researchers at...

  • 报告显示 超9成手机网民认为曾遇信息安全事件

    Nearly 96 percent of Chinese mobile Internet users have been exposed to information security risks, and over 40 percent of them have suffered losses, according to a new report. 一份最新报告显示,我国近96%的手机网民曾遭遇信息安全...

  • 俄罗斯考虑在越南和古巴重设军事基地

    Russia is considering plans to resume its military presence in Vietnam and Cuba, the country's deputy defence minister says. 俄罗斯国防部副部长日前表示,该国正在考虑计划恢复在越南和古巴的军事驻地。 Nikolai Pankov a...

  • 美国政府公开指责俄罗斯是入侵美国竞选系统的真凶

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