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    PALO ALTO, Calif. After years of scorning the political process, Silicon Valley has leapt into the fray. 加州帕洛阿尔托在对政治方法嗤之以鼻多年之后,硅谷跳入了这类纷争。 The prospect of a President Donald J. Trump is p...

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    GYERYONG, South Korea The audience applauded politely as the honor guard twirled its rifles, and oohed and aahed at the acrobatic taekwondo demonstration. But the real excitement began when the army band appeared. 韩国鸡龙在观看仪仗队耍步枪...

  • 骇人听闻 我国每年有近50万老人走失

    More than 1,300 elderly people go missing in China every day -- 500,000 per year, a new report claims. 一份最新报告显示:我国每年走失老人约50万人,平均每天就有超过1300名老人走失。 Senior citizens aged 65 or over acc...

  • 9月份中国人民币贷款增长超预期

    Chinas local-currency loans and broader liquidity grew more than expected last month but at rates nowhere close to the acceleration seen earlier this year. 上月,中国本币贷款和更广义流动性的增长超过预期,但增速远不及今年...

  • 第四次中国城乡老年人生活状况调查结果发布

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  • 新增实体门店计划放缓 沃尔玛要花大精力做电商

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  • 上海推出我国首本小学男生性别教材《小小男子汉》

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  • 华为公司改造塞尔维亚固定网络项目正式启动

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  • NBA球员鲍比布朗长城刻字遭质疑后道歉

    NBA Houston Rockets player Bobby Brown has apologized for scribbling graffiti on the Great Wall of China. NBA休斯顿火箭队球员鲍比布朗近日为自己在长城上涂鸦一事道歉。 Brown was with several players from the Houston Rockets...

  • 2025年中国内地胖孩子将成为全球最多

    Overweight children and teenagers aged between 5 and 17.9 in the Chinese mainland will reach 48.5m by 2025, a number that surpasses the population of Spain, the study said. 一项研究称,到2025年,我国内地年龄5岁到17.9岁的超重儿童和...

  • 奥巴马发布行政命令 宣布美国解除对缅甸制裁

    President Barack Obama has formally eased long-standing sanctions on Myanmar. 奥巴马总统于日前宣布,已经正式解除对缅甸的长期制裁。 Mr Obama issued the executive order weeks after meeting Myanmar's de facto leader, Aung San S...

  • 太奇葩! 一公司规定女员工须每天排队吻老板

    A company that sells home brewery machinery in Tongzhou District, Beijing requires its female staff members to kiss their boss each morning, claiming it enhances the corporate culture and unites its staff. 北京市通州区一家售卖家用酿酒机器...

  • 美国共和党大佬'弃'特朗普 或承认特朗普已败

    After a 2005 video emerged featuring Donald Trump making vulgar comments about women, US House Speaker Paul Ryan told fellow Republicans last Monday that he would not campaign with Trump or defend him leading up to the Nov 8 election, in a clear sign...

  • 江西8岁留守男童一天包上万个馄饨成网红

    The story of Liu Minghui, an 8-year-old boy living in Ruijin, Jiangxi province, recently caught many people's attention after it was discovered that Liu can make about 10,000 wontons in a single day. 刘明辉是一个住在江西瑞金的8岁男孩,...

  • 电影《大唐玄奘》确定代表中国内地冲击奥斯卡

    China Film Group Corp. announced last Saturday that Xuan Zang has been entered for Best Foreign Language Film at the 89th Academy Awards. 中国电影集团公司于上周六宣布,《大唐玄奘》已经入围第89届学院奖最佳外语影片候选...
