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相关教程: 英语新闻
  • 中国政府推进"一带一路" 建设科技创新合作

    The Chinese government has released a plan on scientific and technological cooperation between China and countries along the Belt and Road. 中国政府日前发布了一份中国和一带一路沿线国家进行科学技术合作的计划。 China p...

  • 我国再次提高部分优抚对象抚恤补助标准

    China will increase pension allowances for disabled soldiers, families of fallen soldiers and Red Army veterans, authorities said last Friday. 中国当局上周五表示,将提高对残疾军人、阵亡战士和红军老兵家庭的抚恤津贴。...

  • MH17空难调查结果竟然直指俄罗斯

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  • 国庆前后国内多地出台楼市调控政策

    Beijing and 19 other cities across China launched cooling measures in the past week to rein in housing prices, with more cities to follow suit, analysts said. 分析人士称,过去的一周里,北京等20个国内城市已陆续出台降温措施控...

  • 面试过程中最好的自我介绍方式

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  • 再次发飙! 菲律宾总统扬言要与美国断交!

    Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte said last Tuesday that he would eventually cut ties with the United States. 菲律宾总统罗德里戈杜特尔特在上周二表示,他将最终切断和美国的联系。 Duterte again hit out at the United S...

  • 中国已与19欧盟成员国签署学历学位互认协议

    China has signed agreements on the mutual recognition of higher education degrees with 19 EU member states, including France, Germany and Italy, according to the Ministry of Education. 据我国教育部表示,近日,我国已与法、德、意等...

  • 阿里聚划算计划2017年发射全球首颗电子商务卫星!

    The world's first e-commerce satellite is scheduled to be launched in 2017, China Economic Net reported. 据中国经济网报道,全球首颗电子商务卫星将于2017年发射。 Juhuasuan.com, a group shopping website affiliated with Chinese e...

  • 你知道吗? 优步开始在全球推出送外卖服务了!

    Uber is making a broad international push into meal delivery, with fresh hiring and aggressive marketing as it prepares to take on local rivals in dozens of countries and regions. 优步的外卖行业正在向广阔的国际市场进军。拥有新聘...

  • 征战全球 支付宝拿下10大海外机场!

    Chinese tourists can use China's largest third party payment platform Alipay at ten overseas airports from this month. 从这个月开始,中国游客就可以在10家海外机场使用我国最大的第三方支付平台支付宝了。 Ant Financi...

  • 两办印发关于深化公安执法规范化建设的意见

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  • 中国富豪引领全球财富增长 1.2万人掌握1.7万亿美元

    首页 - 手机APP下载 - 网址 - 资料下载 - 查词 - 翻译 - 地盘 - 论坛 - 建议 听力提升 英语听力 听写训练 迷你新闻 经济学人 广播 VOA慢 VOA常 BBC CNN NPR FOX PBS 口语提升 英语口语 情景会话 背句子 口...

  • 苹果亚太地区首家研发中心落户北京中关村

    Apple has established its first direct-invested research and development center in China, the Zhongguancun Science Park Administrative Committee revealed on Sept. 27 via their official WeChat account. 中关村科技园区管理委员会于9月27日通...

  • 八达岭长城下方将建京张高铁站 为世界"最深"车站

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  • 奥巴马接见奥运代表团 表情搞怪试图劈叉

    President Barack Obama has several months left in office, but in one sense, he's already split. 贝拉克奥巴马总统还有几个月就要和他的政治生涯告别了,不过从某种意义上来说,他已经分开了。 The US women's gymnas...
