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  • 广电总局规范电视剧购播 不得以明星议价

    China is moving to curb overvaluing and over-emphasis on TV stars during the purchase and broadcast of TV dramas, according to a circular issued by the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television (SAPPRFT). 根据国家新闻...

  • 《行尸走肉》第七季即将回归 结局将不同于漫画

    It's unknown if The Walking Dead is deviating from the comic when it comes to who died in the Season 6 Finale. 美剧《行尸走肉》第六季季终表示要有角色死亡的时候,我们还不知道这部剧会不会和漫画内容有所偏差。...

  • 盖洛普民调显示 美国多数民众希望出现第三个政党

    A majority of Americans now say the United States needs a third major party, according to a poll issued last Friday. 据上周五发布的一份民调显示,大多数美国人现在都认为美国需要第三个政党。 Currently, 57 percent of Am...

  • 金融中心城市上海全球第16位 大陆排名最高

    Shanghai ranked 16th in the 20th Global Financial Centers Index released last Monday, becoming the highest ranked Chinese mainland city and showing its rising competitiveness in the global financial sector. 在上周一发布的第20期全球金融中心...

  • Note 7的爆炸是否也炸毁了三星的招牌?

    Samsung is resuming sales of its Galaxy Note 7 smartphones in South Korea following a safety recall. They are set to return to Europe on 28 October. 在经历了一场安全召回之后,三星电子重新开始在韩国销售其Galaxy Note 7智能手...

  • 万达与索尼达成战略合作 正式进军好莱坞

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  • 美国社交媒体巨头推特准备出售自己 待价而沽

    Twitter, which has been the subject of takeover rumours before, is getting closer to a sale, according to the US business news channel CNBC. 据美国商业新闻频道CNBC报道,一直深陷收购谣言的推特现在真的要被收购了。 Poten...

  • 奥巴马任命资深外交官为古巴大使

    U.S. President Barack Obama has tapped the highest-ranking U.S. diplomat in Cuba to be the first ambassador to the island in more than 50 years. 美国总统奥巴马提名美国在古巴的最高级别外交官为逾50年来美国驻古巴的第一位...

  • 美军将向伊拉克增派600多名士兵

    The U.S. and Iraq have agreed on a plan that will send about 600 additional American troops to Iraq to help retake Mosul from Islamic State, Secretary of Defense Ash Carter announced Wednesday. 美国国防部长卡特星期三宣布,美国和伊拉克...

  • 美国会通过临时拨款法案避免政府关门

    The U.S. Congress passed a spending bill Wednesday that will keep the government operating for another few months and provide $1.1 billion for efforts to combat the Zika virus. 美国国会星期三通过了一项拨款法案,使政府可以再维持...

  • 伊朗释放伊朗裔加拿大教授

    Iran says it has released a retired Canadian-Iranian professor, who had been detained on security charges. 伊朗表示,释放了一名伊朗裔加拿大退休教授。此人先前因安全指控被拘留。 A foreign ministry spokesman, quoted by...

  • 美洲持续最长的战争以签署和平协议告终

    A final peace agreement between Colombias government and a national guerilla movement is to be signed Monday, bringing to an end the longest-running insurgency in the Western hemisphere. 哥伦比亚政府和一个全国游击队组织将于星期一签...

  • 这么迅速! 泰勒·斯威夫特新男友曝光!

    Celebrated songstress Taylor Swift, who has just broken up with British actor Tom Hiddleston, has already set her sight for another Hollywood actor, Zac Efron. 著名女歌手泰勒斯威夫特刚和英国男演员汤姆希德勒斯顿分手,便有人...

  • 影视明星天价片酬让官方及群众普遍不满

    The skyrocketing pay packages handed out to China's film and television celebrities have once again come under the spotlight, after a respected veteran actress' sharp criticism of the exorbitant remuneration paid to high-profile performers made a spl...

  • 泰晤士世界大学榜出炉 中国内地52所高校上榜

    A total of 52 universities from Chinese mainland are included in the 13th edition of World University Rankings released by the Times Higher Education last Wednesday, with Peking University and Tsinghua University ranking 29th and 35th respectively. 泰...
