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词汇量测试当前位置: 首页>听力教程>《丑女贝蒂》精讲>


  • 《丑女贝蒂》精讲 136母亲的爱 I brought us a treat.Frozen yogurt! Chocolate!My favorite! Mine,too. 我拿了些甜品 冰冻酸酪 巧克力 我的最爱 Frozen yogurt in the middle of the day? What's the occasion? 你怎么在大白天和酸奶 今天是什么好日子 Mama is k
  • 《丑女贝蒂》精讲 137丹尼尔和贝蒂温馨的谈话 Somebody's in a rush to get out of here. 有人急着要走啊 Oh, I'm just trying to avoid Hartley. 我只是不想碰到Hartley Plus, I wanted to meet Natalie for this whole group meeting. 加上我要去找娜塔丽参加一个讲座 Oh, yeah. How
  • 《丑女贝蒂》精讲 138你骄傲的公众形象 Why the hell was pasty-face hugging me and mumbling something about Tibet? 为什么糨糊脸要拥抱我 说些关于西藏的东西 Oh, um, that might...be because you're being honored at the annual Style Cares charity event. Why? 那个可能是因为
  • 《丑女贝蒂》精讲 139升职还是有好处的 I've been invited to a charity event!And it's at Wilhelmina's. 我被邀请参加一个慈善典礼 还是在威廉敏娜家里 At Wilhelmina's apartment? 威廉敏娜的公寓吗 How exclusive! 太特别了 Can you steal me something like a napkin,
  • 《丑女贝蒂》精讲 140冥想改变了你和我 Wow. I mean, that was-- that was incredible! 那些简直不可思议 During that last focus exercise, I got to this place of... 最后冥想练习的时候 我觉得我到了一个地方 I mean, I don't even know how to describe it. it was... 我不知
  • 《丑女贝蒂》精讲 141贝蒂真的高兴吗? I'm glad you're here. 真高兴你来了 Actually... there's something I've been meaning to ask you about Wilhelmina's party. 有些事我想问你关于威廉敏娜的派对 Really? And let... let me preface my question by saying you really don't ha
  • 《丑女贝蒂》精讲 142你是无人取代的 Please tell me you did not say that! 求你告诉我你没那么说 Well, what was I supposed to say? 不然要我怎么说 You shouldn't have said anything. 你什么都不应该说 You should have decked him. 你应该给他一拳 Hilda, you were r
  • 《丑女贝蒂》精讲 143贝蒂被取代了 Hey. Betty, hey. I finally replaced you. 早上好 贝蒂 早上好 我终于找到人取代你了 Natalie, my new assistant. 娜塔丽 我的新助理 You really think it's a good idea to hire someone you met in grief counseling? 你真的觉得这样
  • 《丑女贝蒂》精讲 144马特邀请阿曼达参加派对 Wow. You'd be a knockout in that. Is that what you're wearing to Wilhelmina's party? 你穿这件一定很迷人 你穿这件去威廉敏娜的派对吗 No. Some dumb editor is... because only dumb editors get to go to the party. 不 傻乎乎的编辑
  • 《丑女贝蒂》精讲 145阿曼达成了受欢迎人物 You're going with Betty's Matt? 你要和贝蒂的马特去 Isn't that going to break her pudgy little heart? 那不是要伤她矮胖的心灵 Marc, it's just that Matt makes me feel smart and pretty. 小马 马特让我觉得自己聪明漂亮 Can'
  • 《丑女贝蒂》精讲 146威廉敏娜与布莱尔针锋相对 It still doesn't read Vampire to me. 对于我来说 这还是不像吸血鬼 Maybe... sharper fangs, and... Maybe we should add some blood to the front of the dress. 许獠牙应该再尖一点 也许我们该应该给裙子的前面加点血 Oh, I
  • 《丑女贝蒂》精讲 147吹嘘威廉敏娜的演说 So in order to write your speech for tomorrow, 为了写你明天的演讲稿 I just need to get a feel for who you are. 我要对你有个直观感受 For example, what inspired you to help Tibetan orphans? 例如 你为何要帮助西藏的孤儿 M
  • 《丑女贝蒂》精讲 148失落的贝蒂 We got what you need, right? 你得到想要的信息了 对吧 All righty. Uh, I'll show you how to check the messages. 好 我告诉你怎么查留言 You've reached Betty Suarez, assistant to Daniel Meade, editor-in-chief. 我是贝蒂苏亚雷斯
  • 《丑女贝蒂》精讲 149休想敲诈我 I'm not sure what I'm looking at, Detective Castelar. 我不知道这是什么 Castelar侦探 Is that a smudge of dirt? 这是污迹吗 It's a thumbprint. In blood. 这是指纹 血印 Eh, if you say so. I'm afraid that you're not a terribly good pho
  • 《丑女贝蒂》精讲 150我做你的电灯泡吧 Ugh! Everyone is talking about this ridiculous charity event. 大家都在谈这个可笑的慈善派对 If you ask me, it sounds like a real snooze-fest. 如果你问我 那一定很无聊 I'm sure a super-fun girl like you isn't going, are you? 像你