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  • 经济学人391:恋情告急 来自对等合并的浪漫很难持久 Schumpeter 熊彼特 Love on the rocks 恋情告急 The romance of a merger of equals rarely lasts long 来自对等合并的浪漫很难持久 PARIS and champagne. What better way to celebrate an engagement? But that was last July. On May 9th a ters
  • 经济学人392:华为 走自己的路 Huawei 华为 Seeking its own path 走自己的路 A Chinese technology company that is steering clear of the stockmarket 一个不愿上市的中国电信企业 ONE thing about Huawei is easy to understand: its ambition. In Paris on May 7th the Chin
  • 经济学人393:避税 数据革命 Tax evasion 避税 The data revolution 数据革命 It will soon be a lot harder to hide money overseas 要寻找资金的海外掩体将难上加难 THE war on those stashing undisclosed money offshore intensified this week when 47 countries, includ
  • 经济学人394:电力供应 盈利性的中断 Electricity supply 电力供应 Profitable interruptions 盈利性的中断 Collecting and trading spare electricity is a thriving industry 备用电力的收集与交易是一蓬勃发展的新兴行业 SPIKES in demand for power and unexpected dips
  • 经济学人395:英国社会病 水蜡树和贫困 British social ills 英国社会病 Privet and privation 水蜡树和贫困 The government has fixed Britain's broken inner cities. That was the easy part 政府已经修复了英国破败的市内城区,但更难的还在后面 TONY BLAIR gave his
  • 经济学人396:通用电气和阿尔斯通 软实力 GE and Alstom 通用电气和阿尔斯通 Soft power 软实力 How to open doors and influence people in France 如何打开法国的大门并进一步影响法国人 Indispensable for Immelt 对伊梅尔特不可或缺 THERE is a lull before the ren
  • 经济学人397:公司账目 真实的头条 Company accounts 公司账目 Truthful top lines 真实的头条 New global rules aim to make it harder for firms to fib about their revenues 新的国际规则致力于让公司收入造假变得更加艰难 WHEN companies should recognise revenues
  • 经济学人398:Daum与KakaoTalk合并 获取消息 Daum and KakaoTalk merge Daum与KakaoTalk合并 Getting the message 获取消息 The latest tie-up between messaging apps and broader online firms 通信应用程序与大型互联网公司的最新联合。 IN THEORY Daum, an internet portal in Sout
  • 经济学人399:亚洲商业 征服世界 Asian business 亚洲商业 A world to conquer 征服世界 Asian business is reforming. Its emerging multinationals will change the way we all live 亚洲商业正在改革,其新兴的跨国公司将改变我们的生活 BUSINESS power follows ec
  • 经济学人400:伦敦车房 车库音乐 London's lockups 伦敦车房 Garage music 车库音乐 How to make use of unloved urban spaces 怎样利用被弃置的城市空间 MERIJN ROYAARDS, a musician and architecture student, does not own a car. But for two years he has rented a small gar
  • 经济学人401:禁止和毒品 Prohibition and drugs 禁止和毒品 Press down, pop up 打压,弹出 Cracking down on illicit drugs means they surface in another form 打击非法毒品, 意味着他们会以另一种形式浮出 BEFORE Breaking Bad, there was Miami Vice. The
  • 经济学人402:老骨头 墓地问题 Old bones 老骨头 A grave issue 墓地问题 The opportunity cost of letting ancient Cockneys rest in peace 让老伦敦人安息的机会成本 THE Cross Bones Graveyard lies on a dingy street in south London. The medieval prostitutes buried there
  • 经济学人403:苹果 一体化产品 Apple 苹果 Frictionless fruit 一体化产品 Convenience is the technology giant's latest weapon 便捷性成了这位科技巨头的最新武器 Cooking up a better Apple ecosystem 库克让苹果的生态系统提升了一个层次 AN APPLE laun
  • 经济学人404:德意志银行 胃口不小 Deutsche Bank 德意志银行 Hollow legs 胃口不小 Europe's biggest bank pours money into investment banking 欧洲最大的银行向其投行业务注资 WHEN Deutsche Bank tapped shareholders for 3 billion last year, it hailed the end of a hung
  • 经济学人405:中国专利 越来越具创造性 Chinese patents 中国专利 Ever more inventive 越来越具创造性 Mainland companies are building up their intellectual property 内地企业正在建立自己的知识产权 CHINA'S leaders see patents as rungs on the ladder to becoming an inno