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  • 英国新闻听力 委内瑞拉首都爆发反政府游行 Venezuelan police have fired tear gas at thousands of opposition protesters in the capital Caracas 委内瑞拉深陷经济危机,在首都加拉加斯, who blame the socialist government of Nicolas Madura for the country's economic crisis. 数千名
  • 英国新闻听力 马云取消国际反假联盟大会演讲 The presumptive Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has said he will be prepared to meet the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, Mr Trump said that if he was elected in November. He would talk to Mr Kim about his countrys nuclear program and
  • 英国新闻听力 泰国不堪压力关闭达差岛 Diplomats will meet in the Austrain capital Vienna later today in attempt to inject momentum into the process of ending the conflict in Syria. 今天晚些时候,国际支持小组会议在维也纳举行,此举旨在结束叙利亚冲突。 The
  • 英国新闻听力 委内瑞拉宣布全国进入紧急状态 The Venezuelan opposition leader Henrique Capriles has criticized president Nicolas Maduro for declaring a state of emergency last week. 委总统马杜罗于上周宣布全国进入紧急状态,反对派领袖恩里克卡普里莱斯对此表示指责
  • 英国新闻听力 土耳其议会又演全武行 Representatives of World and Middle East power has begun new talks aimed at putting the Syrian peace process back on track. Germany's foreign minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said diplomats have to find way to return to the political negotiation. Our
  • 英国新闻听力 寻找达芬奇的DNA Who is this? He was endlessly curious searching for answers in everything he did. We think of him as the ultimate renaissance man. He created a new idea of beauty. He reinvented the art of painting. Leonardo de Vinci. And that was from our BBC docume
  • 英国新闻听力 美国的国家寄生虫藏馆 Youve probably heard of people collecting stamps or arts or even antique cars, but what about parasites? In 1892, the American government established a National Parasite Collection to learn more about diseases affecting livestock. Twenty million spec
  • 英国新闻听力 英国养老金大臣辞职掀政局风波 Political commentators here in Britain are describing the resignation of the Welfare Minister Iain Duncan Smith as the most dramatic cabinet departure of David Camerons leadership. Now the recriminations within the governing conservative party contin
  • 英国新闻听力 洪涝灾害或将影响全球10亿人口 The United Nations High Commission for Refugees Philly OGranddhi has repeated a cause for a global response to the world refugee crisis. He told the BBC that the responsibility needed to be share more widely. We just have to convene small states to p
  • 英国新闻听力 老特拉福德疑似爆炸物已被引爆 Bomb disposal experts have carried out a controled explosion as Manchester the United home ground old Traford. Police described the object as looking incredibly like an explosive device, but later concluded it was not viable. Manchester the United Ma
  • 英国新闻听力 教皇和特朗普因筑墙发生争执 Pope Francis and Donald Trump recently had an argument over a wall, so to speak. Mr Trump wants to build one between Mexico and America to stop illegal immigration. 可以说,方济各教皇和唐纳德特朗普最近因为一堵墙发生争论。特
  • 英国新闻听力 特朗普料将拿下超级星期二 The United States supported by China has introduced a draft resolution to the United Nations Security Council 近期,因朝鲜试射导弹,美国向安理会 designed to impose tougher sanctions on North Korea following its latest nuclear test on
  • 英国新闻听力 国际足联主席人选尘埃落定 Football's world governing body FIFA will elect a new president on Friday. 国际足球联合会主席选举工作将于周五展开。 It will also vote on a package of reforms intended to bring to an end the corruption that contributed to the downf
  • 英国新闻听力 联合国为叙提供紧急人道主义救援 A senior Vatican official is giving evidence from Rome via video link to an Australian inquiry into child sex abuse. Cardinal George Pell, a former archbishop of Sydney, is being asked whether he knew if pedophiles were active in churches under his w
  • 英国新闻听力 法当局拆迁加来难民营 There have been further clashes in the French port of Calais as demolition teams destroyed hundreds of makeshift shelters for migrants trying to reach Britain in the capital known as the Jungle. French riot police fired tear gas at people who were hu