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  • 英国新闻听力 叙利亚日内瓦和谈取得进展 The authorities in Brussels say a man armed with Kalashnikov been shot dead during a major security operation linked to last year's attacks in Paris. The main part of the operation, a siege in the suburb of the Belgium capital is over. Officers surro
  • 英国新闻听力 默克尔三州选举受挫 For the first time since the German chancellor Angela Merkel threw open the gates of her country to welcome migrants and refugees, 自德国总理安吉拉?默克尔大开国门迎接移民和难民以来, her policies had to stand a test of the Ba
  • 英国新闻听力 奥巴马任命贾兰德担任最高法院大法官 President Obama has nominated a moderate judge Merrick Garland to the vacancy to the US Supreme Court, setting up a showdown with Republicans. 奥巴马总统提名温和派梅里克贾兰德担任美国最高法院法官,这是与共和党进行的最
  • 英国新闻听力 国际奥委会组"难民队"征战里约 The sight of desperate and often destitute refugees continue to dominate TV news reports. 绝望贫穷的难民形象仍然占据着电视新闻报道。 In Brazil later this year, refugees will be shown in a different arena. 今年,巴西难民将会
  • 英国新闻听力 澳大利亚开始遣返难民船只 There have been protesters in several Brazilian cities against the appointment by president Dilma Rousseff of her predecessor Luiz Incio Lula da Silva as chief of staff. 巴西几个城市都举行反对总统迪玛罗塞夫任命前任路易斯伊纳西
  • 英国新闻听力 山羊竟然吃轮胎 Now a story I can vouch for from personal experience. 下面讲一个我亲身经历过的事情。 It's about goats and that they can eat just about anything. 说的是山羊,还有山羊什么都能吃。 I used to own one many years ago when I l
  • 英国新闻听力 奥巴马历史性到访古巴 A spokesman for the Saudi-led military coalition fighting in Yemen says the year-old campaign was nearing the end of its major combat phase. 据沙特盟军发言人表示,为期一年的大规模军事行动接近尾声。 The Saudi statement foll
  • 英国新闻听力 小头畸形症婴儿母亲的生活 Now, teams of scientists around the world are still trying to figure out whether the mosquito-borne Zika virus is indeed behind the birth of hundreds of babies with unusually small heads in Brazil, a country struggling to cope with the increasing cas
  • 英国新闻听力 朝鲜或将再次进行核试验 North Koreahas fired two ballistic missiles into the sea off its eastern coast days after the country's leader Kim Jung-un ordered more nuclear warhead on missile tests.The United States has responded with a call to Pyongyang to refrain from raising
  • 英国新闻听力 土耳其多项赛事因恐袭延期 President Obama has described his landmark visit to Havana as a historic opportunity. 奥巴马总统造访古巴,称其为历史性机遇。 Addressing the staff at the US embassy at the start of a three-day trip, Mr Obama said he hoped future gen
  • 英国新闻听力 由影子内阁重组所想到的忠诚问题 Good morning. All the talk this week about the Shadow Cabinet reshuffle has made me think a lot about loyalty. We invoke loyalty frequently as a virtue and yet its complex and multi-layered. On Wednesday at a store checkout I was asked if I had a loy
  • 英国新闻听力 突尼斯暴乱卷土重来 One of key suspects in the murder in London of Alexander Litvinenko the former Russian spy has told the BBC he had nothing to do with his death by poisoning 10 years ago. A British inquiry has concluded that President Putin probably approved the assa
  • 英国新闻听力 科学家发现比地球大10倍的行星9 Hello, I am Marion Marshall with the BBC news. 马里恩马歇尔为你播报BBC新闻。 Billions of dollars have been wiped off stock markets around the world because growing concern about plunging oil prices and fears about economic slowdown. 对油
  • 英国新闻听力 法国总理称难民有颠覆欧洲的危险 Hello, I'm Justin Grain with the BBC News. The French Prime Minister has warned that European society could be totally destabilized if it tried to take in every refugee who arrived on the continent. In a BBC interview, Manuel Valls said the migration
  • 英国新闻听力 奥斯卡角逐之闹 The British actress Charlotte Rampling has described a campaign to boycott this years Oscars because the absence of black nominees as racist against white people. Shes been nominated in the best actress category for her role in the film 45 Years. Our