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  • 英国新闻听力 埃博拉病毒可在精液中存活9个月 A new stusy study has found the Ebola virus can linger in male survivors for at least nine months, much longer than previously thought. As our Global Health correspondent Tulip Mazumdar explains. 93 men gave semen samples in Sierra Leone. The virus w
  • 英国新闻听力 斯洛文尼亚限制入境难民数量 Slovenia has warned that it can't accept unlimited numbers of migrants raising concerns of a backlog in neighboring countries. Thousands of migrants have been diverted through Croatia to Slovenia after Hungary closed its border to them. Guy Delauney
  • 英国新闻听力 欧盟求助土耳其“堵”难民 European Union leaders meeting in Brussels say they've agreed a broad action plan with Turkey to help stem the flow of migrants to Europe. The president of European Commission Jean Claude Juncker says there was now an explicit link being created betw
  • 英国新闻听力 美国再度放缓阿富汗撤军计划 Presiden Obama has announced an extension tothe US military presence in Afghanistan, reversingan election pledge to end America's longest war. Close to 10,000 troops are to remain in the countryfor much of next year, with that number halving by the t
  • 英国新闻听力 巴西面临社会危机风险 Police in Jerusalem have shot dead 2 Palestinians in separate attempted stabbing attacks on the Israelis in the city. In Bethlehem on the west bank, dozens of Palestinian protestors clashed with Israeli troops. Paul Adams reports. Fresh violence on t
  • 英国新闻听力 如何实现社会公平和公正 There are two words with a common root which have been dancing with each other in my mind over the weekend. The first is equality a term popular in social and political discourse. In a democracy like ours, most people prize equality of opportunity as
  • 英国新闻听力 荷兰发表MH17坠机最终调查报告 Five contenders for the Democratic presidential nomination in the United States have been holding their first debate ahead of next year's race for the White House. The front-runner, Hillary Clinton, and the independent senator, Bernie Sanders, were i
  • 英国新闻听力 美军向叙反对派空投武器弹药 American military transport aircraft have dropped more than 100 pallets of supplies, including ammunition, grenades and rockets to Syrian rebels fighting against the Islamic State group. Our Washington correspondent, Gary O'Donoghue, says it's a firs
  • 英国新闻听力 伊拉克安全部队成功袭击IS头目车队 The Russian president Vladimir Putin has strongly defended his country's military operations in Syria, saying the aim is to stabilize what he called the legitimate authorities there and to create the conditions for a political compromise. He said tha
  • 英国新闻听力 危地马拉泥石流致数百人失踪 The United State says Russian has agreed to resume talks to ensure the 2 countrys forces dont clash during bombing campaigns over Syria. The announcement came as the US revealed that it was overhauling its approach to fighting Islamic State militants
  • 英国新闻听力 朝鲜举行建党70周年大阅兵 The US is overhauling its approach to fighting Islamic state militants in Syria. 美国正在就打击叙利亚伊斯兰国极端组织一事改变方向。 The Pentagon spent 500 million dollars training Syrian fighters, but only a handful are now l
  • 英国新闻听力 利比亚达成协议组建联合政府 The United Nations' envoy to Libya has just announced that warring factions have reached an agreement to form a national unity government. The deal was announced by the UN envoy Bernardino Leon at a news conference in Skhirat in Morocco. After a year
  • 英国新闻听力 大众高管在美就造假事件道歉 A top Honduras businessman and four-time presidential candidate Jaime Rolando Rosenthal has been charged in the United States with drug trafficking and money laundering. Leonardo Rocha has more. The US treasury department said the three men made ille
  • 英国新闻听力 印度爆发5年来最严重登革热疫情 The Pentagon has described the Taliban seizure of the northern Afghan city of Konduz on Monday as a setback, but says it's confident that the Afghan military can retake it. The US defense spokesman Peter Cook said a counter offensive was under way. W
  • 英国新闻听力 火星表面存在液态水 President Obama and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin have met in New York opening their discussions on Syria and Ukraine with a stony face handshake. US officials said they agreed to explore a political solution to the crisis in Syria. Presiden