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 TED(指technology, entertainment, design在英语中的缩写,即技术、娱乐、设计)是美国的一家私有非盈利机构,该机构以它组织的TED大会著称,这个会议的宗旨是“用思想的力量来改变世界”。

  • TED演讲:同性恋权利运动从公民权利运动中学到了什么(1) Election night 2008 was a night that tore me in half. 2008年的大选之夜,我激动万分。 It was the night that Barack Obama was elected. 这一夜,巴拉克奥巴马当选总统。 years after the end of slavery, 奴隶制废除后148年,
  • TED演讲:同性恋权利运动从公民权利运动中学到了什么(2) Let's just look at a few of these strategies. 让我们来看看其中一些策略吧: First off, it's really interesting to see, 首先,非常有趣地,如果你们回顾下, to actually visually see, how quick the gay rights movement has ma
  • TED演讲:同性恋权利运动从公民权利运动中学到了什么(3) The day of that march, October 11, 游行被举行的那天,也就是每年10月11日, was then declared National Coming Out Day, 被设为国家出柜日。 and is still celebrated all over the world. 今天,它仍在世界广为流传,普天同
  • TED演讲:同性恋权利运动从公民权利运动中学到了什么(4) Who is you to tell somebody who they can't have sex with, 是谁告诉你他们不能和某人做爱, who they can't be with? 不能和别人处对象? They ain't got that power. 他们没权力这么做。 Nobody has that power to say, you can't m
  • TED演讲:同性恋权利运动从公民权利运动中学到了什么(5) And in fact, the gay rights movement asks us to support justice and equality from a space of love. 事实上,婚姻平权运动需要我们,以爱之名支持公平正义。 That may be the biggest, greatest gift that the movement has given us. 这
  • TED演讲: 我们需要钱来进行援助 那么就来印钞吧(1) Thirteen years ago, 十三年前, we set ourselves a goal to end poverty. 我们设了一个目标, 结束贫困。 After some success, 在取得一些小成功后, we've hit a big hurdle. 我们遇到了瓶颈。 The aftermath of the financial c
  • TED演讲: 我们需要钱来进行援助 那么就来印钞吧(2) I study the behavior of investors, 我研究投资者的行为, how they react to policy and the economy. 研究他们如何应对政策和经济。 It gives me a different angle on the aid issue. 这在救助问题上给我新的启迪。 But it t
  • TED演讲: 我们需要钱来进行援助 那么就来印钞吧(3) Secondly, inflation simply never became a threat. 第二,通货膨胀单纯来说时不会成为威胁的。 As you can see, in the United States, 正如你所见到的,在美国, inflation for most of this period remained below average. 这个阶
  • TED演讲: 我们需要钱来进行援助 那么就来印钞吧(4) Are we really saying that it's not worth the risk to print an extra 200 billion for aid? 那么,为了救援而额外印多2千亿钞票这样的风险真的不值得去承担吗? Would the risks really be that different? 这些风险真的会有很
  • TED演讲:请相信你可以进步(1) The power of yet. 专注过程,而不是结果。 I heard about a high school in Chicago where students had to pass a certain number of courses to graduate, 我听说,在芝加哥有一所高中,那儿的学生毕业前要通过一系列课程,
  • TED演讲:请相信你可以进步(2) I'll tell you what they do next. 让我告诉你他们的表现。 In one study, they told us they would probably cheat the next time instead of studying more if they failed a test. 在一项研究中,他们告诉我们, 如果他们某次考试未
  • TED演讲:请相信你可以进步(3) So what can we do? 我们该怎么做呢? How can we build that bridge to yet? 如何让孩子注重过程而不是结果呢? Here are some things we can do. 我们可以做这样几件事。 First of all, we can praise wisely, not praising intel
  • TED演讲请相信你可以进步(4) Look what happened: in this study, 看看后面发生了什么吧:在这项研究中, students who were not taught this growth mindset 没有接受成长型思维模式训练的学生, continued to show declining grades over this difficult scho
  • TED演讲:请相信你可以进步(5) So the native kids outdid the Microsoft kids. 印第安孩子战胜了微软孩子。 This happened because the meaning of effort and difficulty were transformed. 这得以实现的原因,是努力与困难的意义在孩子心目中发生了改变。
  • TED演讲:为什么认为自己丑会对你不利(1) This is my niece, Stella. 这是我的侄女,斯特拉。 She's just turned one and started to walk. 她刚满一岁并开始学走路了。 And she's walking in that really cool way that one-year-olds do, 她正在用一岁的小孩通常使用的非