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  TED(指technology, entertainment, design在英语中的缩写,即技术、娱乐、设计)是美国的一家私有非盈利机构,该机构以它组织的TED大会著称,这个会议的宗旨是“用思想的力量来改变世界”。

  • TED演讲:怀疑乃信仰之关键(4) We do our best to ignore the fact that we don't always have it, 我们尽管忽略一项事实,我们并不常有敬畏之心 and that not everything can be explained. 也不是一切事情都能解释 Yet whether you're a rationalist or a mystic, 然
  • TED演讲:怀疑乃信仰之关键(5) And the more I thought about it, the more it made sense that he doubted, 我越想越觉得他的怀疑是源自于 because doubt is essential to faith. 怀疑是相信的必要部分 If this seems a startling idea at first, 如果最初听起来让人
  • TED演讲:怀疑乃信仰之关键(6) In effect, they are the infidels. 实际上,他们才是异教徒 Like fundamentalists of all religious stripes, they have no questions, only answers. 像所有不同宗教的原教旨主义者一样,他们没有发问问题,只有答案 They f
  • TED演讲:怀疑乃信仰之关键(7) We have to recognize that real faith has no easy answers. 我们须认识到真正的信仰,从来没有简单答案 It's difficult and stubborn. 它是困难的、固执而不顺从的 It involves an ongoing struggle, 牵涉不间断的挣扎 a co
  • TED演讲:怀疑乃信仰之关键(8) In fact, most of us do, 事实上,我们大多数也会拒绝 whether we're atheist or theist or anywhere in between or beyond, for that matter, 无论我们是无神论者或有神论者,或中间派或超越二者,就此而言 what drives us
  • TED演讲:哲学早餐俱乐部 I'd like you to come back with me for a moment to the 19th century, specifically to June 24, 1833. 我希望先带你们回到19世纪,确切地说回到1833年6月24日。 The British Association for the Advancement of Science 英国科学促进协会
  • TED演讲:哲学早餐俱乐部(2) I first found out about this confrontation when I was in graduate school, and it kind of blew me away. 我第一次听说这个故事的时候还在念研究生,这个故事让我太惊讶了。 I mean, how could the word scientist not have existed
  • TED演讲:哲学早餐俱乐部(3) Richard Jones became an important economist who later influenced Karl Marx. 理查德琼斯成为了一名重要的经济学家,日后他影响到了卡尔马克思。 And Whewell not only coined the term scientist, as well as the words anode, cath
  • TED演讲:哲学早餐俱乐部(4) However, in 1809, David Ricardo muddied the waters 然而,在1809年,大卫李嘉图搅了一趟浑水, by arguing that the science of economics should use a different, deductive method. 他主张在经济学领域应该使用另外一种方法:
  • TED演讲:哲学早餐俱乐部(5) Herschel helped by making tidal observations off the coast of South Africa, 赫歇尔帮助在南非海岸建立了潮汐观察站, and, as he complained to Whewell, 有一次,他向胡威立抱怨, he was knocked off the docks during a violent
  • TED演讲:哲学早餐俱乐部(6) Later, Babbage's analytical engine was the first mechanical computer in the modern sense. 巴贝奇之后提出的分析机,是第一个现代意义上的机械计算机。 It had a separate memory and central processor. 该机有独立的中央处理
  • TED演讲:哲学早餐俱乐部(7) The British Association would later be the first 英国科学进步协会也是后来 of the major national science organizations in the world to admit women as full members. 第一个接收女性成为正式会员的主流国家学术团体。 Up to
  • TED演讲:哲学早餐俱乐部(8) It's shocking to realize that only 28 percent of American adults 你们或许会惊讶于,只有28%的美国成年人 have even a very basic level of science literacy, 具备基本的科学知识, and this was tested by asking simple questions li
  • TED演讲:经验与记忆之谜 Everybody talks about happiness these days. 最近大家都在谈论着快乐。 I had somebody count the number of books with happiness in the title published in the last five years 在过去的五年里,我请人数了近年来有多本书的书名
  • TED演讲:经验与记忆之谜(2) The second trap is a confusion between experience and memory; 第二个陷阱是经验和记忆间的混淆: basically, it's between being happy in your life, 基本上这是在生活中体会快乐 and being happy about your life or happy with you