I don't know what to say, sir. Thank you. 我的感激无以言表 先生 谢谢
Seriously. 说真的
We're going to school together. 我们要一起去上学了
let's get right to this, shall we? 我们就开门见山说吧 好吗
There have been some rather interesting discoveries 在调查格雷森先生的经济状况时
in our research into Mr. Grayson's finances. 我们有一些很有趣的发现
There have also been some interesting discoveries 我们也有些有趣的发现
about your client's past indiscretions. 是关于你的委托人过去某些不检点的行为
Any infidelities my client may have participated in, 任何我的委托人可能有过的不忠行为
from a legal standpoint, was voided 在法律上 都因你的委托人
by your client's affair with Ms. Davis. 与戴维斯女士发生婚外情而不具法律效应
I'm afraid we're talking about a much more serious 恐怕我们要谈的是比背叛夫妻情谊
Do you know the name of my favorite aunt, 你知道我最爱的阿姨叫什么吗
the one who raised me? 就是抚养我长大的阿姨
Well, Victoria does. 维多利亚知道
On the day that she was supposed to testify, 就在她要去作证的那天
she fell ill. 她病倒了
Weeks later, she gave birth to a baby girl. 几星期后 她生下一名女婴
She named her Charlotte, 取名为夏洛特
same as my aunt. 跟我阿姨的名字一样
I think that she did it to send me a message 我觉得她是以此来通知我
that the little girl she was raising with Conrad 这个她与康拉德一起抚养的小女孩
is mine. 是我的女儿

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adj.令人惊叹的,难得吓人的,很好的 | |
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n.违反,不履行;破裂;vt.冲破,攻破 | |
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