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词汇量测试当前位置: 首页>听力教程>《福尔摩斯探案全集》中英双语有声读物>


  • 歪唇男人 29揭开迷雾(2) We made our way downstairs as quietly as possible, and out into the bright morning sunshine. 我们尽量放轻脚步走下楼梯,出得房来,沐浴在明媚的晨曦之中。 In the road stood our horse and trap, with the half-clad stable-boy w
  • 歪唇男人 30揭开迷雾(3) Sherlock Holmes was well known to the force, and the two constables at the door saluted him. 福尔摩斯是警务人员所熟识的,门旁两个巡捕向他敬礼。 One of them held the horse's head while the other led us in. 一个巡捕牵住马头
  • 歪唇男人 31揭开迷雾(4) Yes. He was brought up and remanded for further inquiries. 是的,他是被押到这里来候审的。 So I heard. You have him here? In the cells. 这我已知道了。他现在在这里吗?在单人牢房里。 Is he quiet? Oh, he gives no trou
  • 歪唇男人 32揭开迷雾(5) We both put our eyes to the grating. 我们两人从隔栅往里瞧。 The prisoner lay with his face towards us, in a very deep sleep, breathing slowly and heavily. 那囚犯脸朝我们躺着,正在酣睡,呼吸缓慢而又深沉。 He was a mi
  • 歪唇男人 33揭开迷雾(6) He! he! You are a funny one, chuckled the inspector. 嘻,嘻!您真是个爱开玩笑的人!巡官轻声地笑着。 Now, if you will have the great goodness to open that door very quietly, 喏,如果您肯做件大好事,悄悄打开这牢门
  • 歪唇男人 34揭开迷雾(7) Great heavens! cried the inspector, it is, indeed, the missing man. I know him from the photograph. 天啊!巡官叫道,真的,他就是那个失踪的人。我从相片上认出他。 The prisoner turned with the reckless air of a man who aban
  • 歪唇男人 35揭开迷雾(8) Sherlock Holmes sat down beside him on the couch and patted him kindly on the shoulder. 福尔摩斯在床上坐在他身边,和蔼地拍了拍他的肩膀。 If you leave it to a court of law to clear the matter up, said he, of course you can hard
  • 歪唇男人 36揭开迷雾(9) I wrote my articles and thought little more of the matter until, some time later, 我写完了报道,这些事也就置之脑后不再去想了。直到后来有一天, I backed a bill for a friend and had a writ served upon me for 25 pounds. 我为
  • 歪唇男人 37揭开迷雾(10) Well, very soon I found that I was saving considerable sums of money. 不久,我就发现我已积起大笔钱财。 I do not mean that any beggar in the streets of London could earn 700 pounds a year -- which is less than my average takings 我不是
  • 歪唇男人 38揭开迷雾(11) I do not know that there is anything else for me to explain. 我不知道是不是还有些什么别的需要我解释的地方。 I was determined to preserve my disguise as long as possible, and hence my preference for a dirty face. 我当时下定决
  • 波希米亚丑闻 01前言(1) As Candal In Bohemia 波希米亚丑闻 To Sherlock Holmes, she is always the woman. 歇洛克福尔摩斯始终称呼她为那位女人。 I have seldom heard him mention her under any other name. 我很少听见他提到她时用过别的称呼。
  • 波希米亚丑闻 02前言(2) I had seen little of Holmes lately. My marriage had drifted us away from each other. 最近很少和福尔摩斯晤面。我婚后就和他疏于往来。 My own complete happiness, and the home-centred interests which rise up around the man who firs
  • 波希米亚丑闻 03高贵的委托者(1) One night, it was on the twentieth of March, 1888 有一天晚上,一八八八年三月二十日的晚上, I was returning from a journey to a patient (for I had now returned to civil practice), 我在出诊回来的途中(此时我已又开业行
  • 波希米亚丑闻 04高贵的委托者(2) Wedlock suits you, he remarked. I think, Watson, that you have put on seven and a half pounds since I saw you. 结婚对你很合适,他说,华生,我想自从我们上次见面以来,你体重增加了七磅半。 Seven! I answered. 七磅。我
  • 波希米亚丑闻 05高贵的委托者(3) I could not help laughing at the ease with which he explained his process of deduction. 他解释推理的过程是那么毫不费力,我不禁笑了起来。 When I hear you give your reasons, I remarked, 听你讲这些推理时,我说, the t