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词汇量测试当前位置: 首页>听力教程>《福尔摩斯探案全集》中英双语有声读物>


  • 蓝宝石案 16蓝宝石现身(6) When the commissionaire had gone, Holmes took up the stone and held it against the light. 看门人走了以后,福尔摩斯拿起宝石对着光线仔细鉴赏。 It's a bonny thing, said he. Just see how it glints and sparkles. 真是一颗美奂绝
  • 蓝宝石案 17蓝宝石现身(7) Do you think that this man Horner is innocent? I cannot tell. 你认为霍纳这个人是无罪的了?我说不上来。 Well, then, do you imagine that this other one, Henry Baker, had anything to do with the matter? 好,那么你认为另外那个
  • 蓝宝石案 18贝克先生到访(1) I had been delayed at a case, and it was a little after half-past six when I found myself in Baker Street once more. 有一个患者耽误了我一点时间,当我重新回到贝克街的时候,已经过了六点半了。 As I approached the hous
  • 蓝宝石案 19贝克先生到访(2) We have retained these things for some days, said Holmes, 这些东西在我们这儿保留好几天了,福尔摩斯说, because we expected to see an advertisement from you giving your address. 因为我们期待着从你的寻物启事上看到你
  • 蓝宝石案 20贝克先生到访(3) Sherlock Holmes glanced sharply across at me with a slight shrug of his shoulders. 歇洛克福尔摩斯飞快地朝我看了一眼,略微耸了耸肩膀。 There is your hat, then, and there your bird, said he. 那么,这是你的帽子;还有,
  • 蓝宝石案 21追踪大鹅的来历(1) So much for Mr. Henry Baker, said Holmes when he had closed the door behind him. 亨利贝克先生的事情就到此结束。福尔摩斯一边说着,一边随手关上了门。 It is quite certain that he knows nothing whatever about the matter.
  • 蓝宝石案 22追踪大鹅的来历(2) Holmes pushed open the door of the private bar and ordered two glasses of beer from the ruddy-faced, white-aproned landlord. 福尔摩斯推开这家私人酒店的门,从红光满面、系着白围裙的老板那里要了两杯啤酒。 Your beer
  • 蓝宝石案 23追踪大鹅的来历(3) We passed across Holborn, down Endell Street, and so through a zigzag of slums to Covent Garden Market. 我们穿过霍尔伯恩街,折入恩德尔街,接着又走过道路曲折的平民区来到了考文特园市场。 One of the largest stalls
  • 蓝宝石案 24追踪大鹅的来历(4) Now, then, mister, said he, with his head cocked and his arms akimbo, 那么,好吧,先生,他扬着头,手叉着腰说, what are you driving at? Let's have it straight, now. 你这是什么意思?有什么话咱们就直截了当地说个明
  • 蓝宝石案 25追踪大鹅的来历(5) Well, then, you've lost your fiver, for it's town bred, snapped the salesman. 嘿,你那五英镑算是输掉了,因为它是在城里喂大的。这位老板说。 It's nothing of the kind. I say it is. I don't believe it. 不是这样。我说是
  • 蓝宝石案 26追踪大鹅的来历(6) Mrs. Oakshott, 117, Brixton Road249, read Holmes. 奥克肖特太太,布里克斯顿路117号--249页,福尔摩斯念道。 Quite so. Now turn that up in the ledger. 正是如此。现在再查看一下总帐吧! Holmes turned to the page indic
  • 蓝宝石案 27追踪大鹅的来历(7) A few yards off he stopped under a lamp-post and laughed in the hearty, noiseless fashion which was peculiar to him. 走出几步以后,他在一个路灯杆子下站住,以他特有的姿势会心而默默地笑了起来。 When you see a man wi
  • 蓝宝石案 28追踪大鹅的来历(8) Turning round we saw a little ratfaced fellow standing in the centre of the circle of yellow light which was thrown by the swinging lamp, 我们回头一看,只见一个獐头鼠目、身材矮小的人正站在门口吊灯的黄色光晕下, whi
  • 蓝宝石案 29追踪大鹅的来历(9) Ha! this may save us a visit to Brixton Road, whispered Holmes. 哈哈,这就省得我们到布里克斯顿路去了。福尔摩斯低声对我说。 Come with me, and we will see what is to be made of this fellow. 跟我来,我们要看看从这个
  • 蓝宝石案 30追踪大鹅的来历(10) Sherlock Holmes hailed a four-wheeler which was passing. 歇洛克福尔摩斯喊住一辆路过的四轮马车。 In that case we had better discuss it in a cosy room rather than in this wind-swept market-place, said he. 既然是那样,我们与其