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  • 福克斯新闻 Alphabet成谷歌上市公司实体 It's Google's operating structure that'll be changing. 谷歌的运营结构正在发生变革。 Henceforth, it'll become part of a holding company called 'Alphabet'. 从今以后,它将成为一家名为名为Alphabet的控股公司。 Users will s
  • 福克斯新闻 美国7月零售销售出现反弹 Retail sales rebounded in July, as people bought more vehicles and other goods. 随着人们购买更多的汽车及其他商品7月美国零售销售呈现反弹。 The Commerce Department says retail spending increased 0.6 percent in July. 商务部表
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  • 福克斯新闻 美国白宫任命首位公开变性身份官员 Raffi Freedman-Gurspan began work at the White House today serving as an Outreach and Recruitment Director in the Presidential Personnel Office. 佛里德曼葛斯潘今天开始出任白宫总统人事办公室招聘事务主管。 With her new job,
  • 福克斯新闻 FDA批准药物Addyi上市 The pink pill Addyi is supposed to boost sex drive in women. 这种粉红色的药丸女用伟哥性质的药物Addyi应该能提高女性的满意度。 Dr.Lisa Dabney treats women in New York City 丽莎达贝尼博士就纽约女性发表自己的观
  • 福克斯新闻 美国前总统卡特表示癌细胞已扩散至其大脑 Speaking at the Carter Center in Atlanta, former President Jimmy Carter announced that although a recent operation was successful in removing cancer from his liver, the cancer has spread to four spots in his brain. 当天在亚特兰大举行的记者会
  • 福克斯新闻 民意调查显示拜登获得支持 The Quinnipiac University poll shows Biden, as well as Clinton, beating Donald Trump handily in Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania. 昆尼皮亚克大学的民调显示拜登以及克林顿在佛罗里达州,俄亥俄州和宾夕法尼亚州轻松击败唐
  • 福克斯新闻 法国总统为欧洲列车枪击案见义勇为者授勋 The French President Francois Hollande saying the men prevented carnage after overpowering a gunman as he walked through the train with an assault rifle. 法国总统奥朗德表彰列车上嫌犯携带武器经过时首先出手阻止屠杀的勇士们
  • 福克斯新闻 总统选战约翰卡西奇在家乡获得高支持率 The Ohio Governor has a 61% approval rating in his home state, the latest Quinnipiac University poll of swing states shows. John Kasich is now matching his all time high. 84% of Republicans approve of his job performance and even Democrats in Ohio ar
  • 福克斯新闻 纽约欲整顿时代广场的无上装女郎 This past weekend's topless parade only put a spotlight on the controversy of women dressed only in body paint from the waist up, for all to see parading through Times Square. Those who deem it inappropriate There's, like, little children coming by.
  • 福克斯新闻 福克斯新闻调查显示计划生育看法存在分歧 The FOX News Poll shows the margin is narrow, but the overall opinion of Planned Parenthood is favorable. Of those who have seen covert videos said to be the organization's employees discussing selling aborted fetal organs and tissue, 49% say it shou
  • 福克斯新闻 地球上有3万亿棵树 比史前减少数万亿棵 There are now more than 3 trillion trees growing on Earth, which is seven times more than scientists previously thought. That said, there are also trillions fewer than there used to be. The leafy findings are from a study published Wednesday in the j
  • 福克斯新闻 猎杀非洲狮王牙医回归正常工作 Dr.Walter Palmer was greeted by a handful of protesters but even more TV cameras as the suburban Minneapolis dentist headed back to work today after about six weeks off the job amid a global backlash over the killing of Cecil the lion. Officials in Z
  • 福克斯新闻 肯塔基州一名政府职员拒绝发放结婚证书被判入狱 Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis plans to return to work on Monday. She was jailed last week for refusing to issue marriage licenses to same sex-couples, then released several days later. Davis has said any licenses issued without her authority are not v
  • 福克斯新闻 特朗普从候选人中脱颖而出 The Republican presidential hopeful and business mogul used to co-own the Miss Universe Organization with NBC. The network dumped Trump when he made these comments about Mexican immigrants They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime. They're rapis