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  • 经济学人:中澳关系紧张?澳大利亚担心外资会蚕食国家独立性 Asia: Australia and China: You cant buy trust 亚洲:澳大利亚和中国:买不了信任 A politicians blunder exposes inconsistencies in Australias attitudes. 澳大利亚一位政客的失误暴露了他们态度上的不一致。 Seldom have
  • 经济学人:百货商场的逆袭 细数各个领域中的"平台"(上) Business: Schumpeter: The emporium strikes back 商业:熊彼德:百货商场的逆袭 Platforms are the futurebut not for everyone. 平台才是未来但因人而异。 Interesting thesis, but dont use the word platform in the title. No one know
  • 经济学人:百货商场的逆袭 细数各个领域中的"平台"(下) As everything from tooth brushes to tractors grows more connected, the phenomenon is spreading to other industries. 现在,从牙刷到拖拉机都充满了连接,这个现象已经扩展到了其他领域。 The latest iterations gather mounds o
  • 经济学人:当机器成为超级智能 人类该如何应对? Business: Schumpeter: Techno wars 商业:熊彼德:铁克诺 之战 An earlier sunny mood about technology and innovation has given way to pessimism. 在技术与创新领域,悲观主义取代了先前的乐观态度 The most striking battle i
  • 经济学人:IT革命已毫无动力?新型经济该何去何从 Mr Gordon is right that the second industrial revolution involved never-to-be-repeated changes. 正如戈登所言,第二次工业革命带来的改变无法复制。 But that does not mean that driverless cars count for nothing. 但这并不意味着
  • 经济学人:驾驶在越南 四个轮子不错两个轮子更好 Asia: Driving in Vietnam: Four wheels good, two wheels better 亚洲:驾驶在越南:四个轮子不错,两个轮子更好 A proliferation of cars threatens to clog the countrys big cities. 激增的汽车即将塞满了越南的大城市。 Ca
  • 经济学人:物联网 智能家居让你无力抗拒(上) Business: The internet of things: Where the smart is 商业:物联网:智能家居,路在何方 Connected homes will take longer to materialise than expected. 真正实现互联家庭仍是长路漫漫。 The fanfare has gone on for years. 有关
  • 经济学人:物联网 智能家居让你无力抗拒(下) People who can afford that probably dont do their own shopping. 然而,买得起这款冰箱的人可能不会自己去购物。 Appliances such as fridges are also ones that households replace infrequently: that slows the take-up of new devices. 冰
  • 经济学人: 推行新城市主义?白人群飞现象频发(上) Business: Schumpeter: Leaving for the city 商业:熊彼特:转战城市 Lots of prominent American companies are moving downtown. 美国大量名企正迁向城市。 Fifty years ago American companies started to move their Headquarters away fro
  • 经济学人: 推行新城市主义?白人群飞现象频发(下) GEs affection for its old home in Connecticut was no doubt weakened by the states decision in 2015 to raise business taxes by $750m. 2015年康涅狄克州政府将企业税提高了7.5亿美元,毫无疑问,这让通用集团对老东家的感情受
  • 经济学人: 分享型经济 犬类的空中食宿 Business: The sharing economy-2: Airbnb for canines 商业:分享型经济-二:犬类的空中食宿 Putting a wolf over their heads. 把狼放在他们头顶。 The majority of Americans see their pets as family members, surveys show. 研究表明
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  • 经济学人:电子游戏 恋上手机 Business: Video games A crush on mobile 商业:电子游戏,恋上手机 A big merger shows where the money is heading in the industry. 一次大规模的合并显示出行业内资金的流向。 Compare Candy Crush Saga with the Star Wars franc
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