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  • 《美少女的谎言》第64期:我们不认识他 I was afraid she wouldn't get it done in time for the memorial. 我还担心她来不及在纪念日前完工呢 And this was someone from your mom's gallery? 这出自你妈妈画廊的人之手吗 Right. 没错 Where is your mom? 你妈妈在哪儿呢
  • 美少女的谎言》第65期:英年早逝 Wow. It's beautiful. 哇 真漂亮 Pedestal's already out there, next to the bench. 基座已经摆好了 就在长椅旁边 This goes up Friday morning. 这水池周五就能安置好 Do you think Jason will like it? 你们觉得杰森会喜欢吗 O
  • 《美少女的谎言》第66期:比我想象的要困难 I thought I could compensate for your dad going, 我以为你爸爸走了我能应付 But it's been hard. 但真的很困难 Harder than I expected. 比我预想的困难得多 How hard? 有多难 It's not the first card to be declined. 已经不止一
  • 《美少女的谎言》第67期:守着各种小秘密 Is this... 这是 the picture for the program? 那天用的照片吗 Yes. It's everybody's favorite. 是的 这是我们最喜欢的一张 It's the one I would have picked. 我也会选这一张 I thought I was gonna be able 我以为能把 to get my
  • 《美少女的谎言》第68期:我们被炒鱿鱼了 The cops in this town have been jerking my family around for more than a year. 镇上的警察糊弄了我们全家人整整一年多 No more of that. 不能再这样下去了 I'm here to get some action. 我来这儿就是要付诸行动 And this me
  • 《美少女的谎言》第69期:自负心理 Mom? 妈 Wait, so people just let you do this? 等等 他们允许你这么做吗 I mean, you go up to them and say, Can I take a picture of your locker,and they say yes? 你到他们跟前说 我能为你的柜子拍个照吗 他们就同意了吗 I
  • 《美少女的谎言》第70期:不要故作矜持了 Aria:Okay. It is the time for you to get back to the land of the living. 好啦 你也该出去散散心了 Hanna:You just want me to go so you can go with Sean. 我去了 你就能和肖恩一起去了 It's not true! And... 瞎说 Even if it is a li
  • 《美少女的谎言》第71期:伤及无辜 The cop:Hello, Hanna. 早啊 汉娜 Principal's office said I could find you in here. 校长办公室说到这来找你 Hanna:Well, I'mprettysure there's nothing I can do for you. 我不觉得能帮上你 But do you need something? 你有事吗 The c
  • 《美少女的谎言》第72期:我要的你给不了我 Jenna:Hello? 是谁 Spencer:I-it's Spencer. 我是斯宾塞 Jenna:Hello, Spencer. 你好 斯宾塞 Spencer:Can I talk to you? 能跟你谈谈吗 Jenna:Of course you can. 当然可以 Spencer:It's about the dedication. 是关于致辞的事 Jenna:Ali'
  • 《美少女的谎言》第73期:每天都在付出代价 Jenna:You're careless and you break things,and you think you're never gonna have to pay for them. 你们不仅不负责任 还喜欢搞破坏 还觉得自己永远不用付出代价 Spencer:We are paying for it, Jenna. 我们已经得到报应了 詹娜
  • 《美少女的谎言》第74期:我们没说要离婚 Do you want some coffee? It'sreasonablyfresh. 你要喝咖啡吗 才煮好的 Oh, no. No thank you. 不用了 谢谢 I just wanted tomake sure thatI didn't forget to give you this. 我只是想把这个给你 I hope you're okay with cash. 现金没问题
  • 英语听力精选进阶版 《美少女的谎言》第75期:我站在风口处了 I mean, I feel like I'm living inside of this wind tunnel. 就感觉自己站在风口 All of this stuff is just flying at me. 烦心事不停的朝我这飞 Well, the wind dies down to a nice, s
  • 《美少女的谎言》第76期:他是嫌疑犯 Cop:You'll find this interesting. 你们会对此感兴趣的 Jason:We're having a look in Toby Cavanaugh's locker. 我们在检查托比加瓦诺的柜子 Why? Do you think he's hiding in there? 为什么 你觉得他藏在里面吗 He's a suspect. 他
  • 《美少女的谎言》第77期:假装愉快 This concert should be great. 这场音乐会一定会很棒 Most important thing about a band is the name. 一个乐队最重要的就是名字 I should know, 'cause I had one. 我懂这个 因为我以前玩过乐队 You had five guys in Greg Samso
  • 《美少女的谎言》第78期:敢于挑战的第一人 You were right about the weather. 天气被你说中了 Rain's starting at midnight,continuing throughout the day. 午夜会开始下雨持续一天 I wish this was gonna be outside, 我原本希望悼念会能够在户外举行 in the sun. 在阳光下