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  • 《美少女的谎言》第34期:看起来像白痴 Yeah, but for how long? 但是要待多久呢 Just get your stuff. 快去收拾你的东西 She lives in this town. 她住在这个镇上 I have to see her. I have to talk to her. 我和她见面 跟她说话 I befriended this woman. 我居然还对这
  • 《美少女的谎言》第35期:性感无敌 Is there any chance you'd want to hang out sometime? 愿不愿意改天一起出去玩玩 Like, not here? 去别的地方 Yeah. 好啊 Okay. 那好 Bye. 再见 Bye. 再见 Hanna, do you want these? 汉娜 这双鞋你喜欢吗 I wore them once. They
  • 《美少女的谎言》第36期:我们之间结束了吗? Hi. 你好 Are you, uh, working today? 你今天上班吗 Um, I didn't, yeah. What are you doing here? 不上 你在这干什么呢 My mom left some insurance papers on the desk. 我妈妈把保单落在桌子上了 They won't release my car until...
  • 《美少女的谎言》第37期:大闹一场 Don't tell me that's how you want to celebrate-- 别告诉我这就是你犒劳自己的方式 With a pear? Put that away! 吃梨 不是吧 You deserve a three-course meal tonight. 你应该得到的是三道主菜的大餐 Think I'll pass. Pass? 我不
  • 《美少女的谎言》第38期:被气爆了 What are you doing? 你们怎么来了 An intervention. 来骚扰骚扰你 We brought takeout and rag mags. 我们叫了外卖 还带了娱乐杂志 But you cannot have any of those 不过 你得换掉这身运动服 until you get out of these sweats
  • 《美少女的谎言》第39期:第一次正式约会 You've got homecoming queen locked down. 返校节女王非你莫属 Really? You can rig the election? 真的吗 你能操控投票环节吗 Sorry, I have enough to do already, thanks. 饶了我吧 我的活儿已经够多了 谢了 I'm head of the c
  • 《美少女的谎言》第40期:配合一下 So, you want to come up to my room? 你愿意去我的房间吗 I can't do this. 我做不到 But you make me so hot. 但你让我很兴奋 No, I mean, I can't do this with you. 不 我是说 对你 我做不到 Girls like her don't approach guys lik
  • 《美少女的谎言》第41期:乡村俱乐部 Way to sneak up on people. 别这么偷偷摸摸的 Sorry. Look, can you get it today? 不好意思 你今天能拿到吗 Get what? Jenna's file. 拿什么 詹娜的档案 No. They canceled my shift at work. 不行 他们取消了我的换班 Well, g
  • 《美少女的谎言》第42期:我知道你很辛苦 Hey, need any help? 要帮忙吗 You're a little early. 你这么早就来了 The dance doesn't start for 27 hours. 舞会27小时后才开始 But I wanted to do a dry run, 可是我想排练一下 Test out the route, 走一遍流程 Time myself door
  • 《美少女的谎言》第43期:你在谈恋爱 How long did you wait? 你在那等了多久 I finally left when Chewy's five-'o-clock shadow turned into a beard. 我等到花儿都谢了他还没走 Did you tell Spencer? 你告诉斯宾塞了吗 Relax. I rigged the door so we 别紧张 我在门上
  • 《美少女的谎言》第44期:你怕见到我的朋友? You know, they're showing a Fritz Lang double feature 今晚玫瑰镇影院有 at Rosewood Cinema tonight. 弗里茨兰大片的两场连映 If we leave now, we'll only miss the credits. 现在去的话 只错过了片头而已 I...might be a little
  • 《美少女的谎言》第45期:被女伴利用 So, did you buy a raffle ticket yet? 你买彩券了吗 Not yet. 还没 Where's Spencer? 斯宾塞人哪去了 Did she leave you all alone? 她就把你一个人晾在这 It's cool. I like people-watching. 没关系 我喜欢看形形色色的人 I'm
  • 《美少女的谎言》第46期:我要走了 Hey. 你好 The homecoming queen is leaving? 返校节王后要走了吗 Nominee, and yeah, sort of. 提名而已 不过 我是要走了 Isn't that kind of like 这是不是有点像 Han Solo abandoning the Millennium Falcon? 汉索罗抛弃千年隼号
  • 《美少女的谎言》第47期:我永远不会讨厌你 Just let me talk for a second, please. 听我说几句话 I don't want to argue or try to convince you-- 我不是想吵架或者说服你 I know it's over, I know that! 我知道都结束了 我知道 But-- I just, I can't stand the idea 只是一想到
  • 《美少女的谎言》第48期:你很心烦意乱 Why don't we go upstairs to the chem lab? 要不我们到楼上的化学实验室去吧 It's quiet up there. 那里很安静 What's going on? 怎么了 You seem distracted. 你看起来心烦意乱的 I'm sorry. 抱歉 I'm so sorry. I promise, this i