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  • 《美少女的谎言》第18期:你是个好女孩 That's a new car, 是辆新车 So I hope you don't mind if I drive, do you? 不会介意我开吧 Hanna? 汉娜 This is about Sean's car. 你回来跟肖恩的车有关 Mom did call you. 妈妈打电话给你了 It's a little more complicated than th
  • 《美少女的谎言》第19期:一起约会 Do you use this? 你用这东西吗 As a paperweight. 拿来压纸的 Mostly it's to remind myself 大多时候还是用来提醒我 that there was literature before laptops. 文学在笔记本发明之前就存在 What do you think? 你觉得怎么样
  • 《美少女的谎言》第20期:吵架 I'm wondering, is anybody else 我想问一下 还有谁 bothered by Atticus' hypocrisy at the end of the novel. 为小说结尾处阿提克斯的伪善所困扰 Well, is Mr. due process 那么 经历汤姆罗宾逊的事后 when it comes to Tom Robi
  • 《美少女的谎言》第21期:我的未婚妻 Well, I am honored to get you two nights in a row. 很荣幸能连续两个晚上陪在你身边 You think Sean will be jealous? 肖恩不会吃醋吗 I haven't spoken to Sean since the party. 那次派对后我就没跟肖恩讲过话 Yeah, I was wa
  • 《美少女的谎言》第22期:偿还余下的钱 Well, I think I've imposed enough. 我想我的酒已经醒了 Um, you can't drive like that. 你不能开车 Oh, I'm not going all the way back to Philadelphia. 我不用一路开回费城 I've got a room in the Edgewood Motor Court. 我在埃奇伍德
  • 《美少女的谎言》第23期:嘲笑你 You okay? 你没事吧 Yeah, I'm fine. 没事儿 I mean, as okay as I can be taking out the garbage. 至少还能出来倒垃圾 I know that you're not crazy about having me for a lab partner. 我是说做我的实验课搭档 你没问题吧 No. 没有
  • 《美少女的谎言》第24期:回味无穷 You're lucky. 你真幸运 My cooking's always better the next day. 我的厨艺简直是蒸蒸日上 I make really good leftovers. Don't laugh. 这些剩饭菜味道真不错 别笑啊 No, seriously. 我是说真的 The pesto will get up your nose. 蒜
  • 《美少女的谎言》第26期:我喜欢那个吻 Sorry. 对不起 Don't say that. 别这样说 You have... 你完全 Every right to be mad at me. 有理由对我生气 I'm not mad at you. 我没生气 I was wrong to jump on you about the pictures. 冲到你面前质问你有关照片的事是我的错
  • 《美少女的谎言》第27期:为你感到自豪 Hey. Those are for you. 这些是给你的 Butter creams. 奶油乳酪 They're your favorite, right? 你的最爱 是吧 Yeah, they were... when I was, like, seven. 算是吧 我7岁时的最爱 Thanks, daddy. 谢了 老爸 So, you finally spoke to W
  • 《美少女的谎言》第28期:没睡醒 My notebook. 我的笔记本 Oh, jeez. 我的天 I totally need more sleep. 我真是没睡醒 Or more coffee. 多喝点咖啡吧 Wanna meet up at the grill later? 待会在栅格咖啡店见吗 Sure. 好 And in an instant, her life was undone. 刹那间
  • 《美少女的谎言》第29期:他睡得像头猪 Good serve. 球发得不错 Listen, hate to interrupt, be we're kind of closed. 无意打扰 不过我们要下班了 I was supposed to shut down the courts ten minutes ago. 十分钟前我就该清场的 Seriously? Can you just give me another five
  • 《美少女的谎言》第30期:他俩要结婚 Sorry I'm late. 抱歉我回来晚了 Boss got chatty when they dropped the check. 他们一撤销检查 老板的话就多了 But I only ate one lamb chop. 我只吃了一块羊排 The rest are yours. 剩下都是你的 What are we looking at? 在看什
  • 《美少女的谎言》第31期:泡高中美眉 So, are all college boys like the ones in that bar? 大学男生都像酒吧里那群人那样吗 Is it possible to say hello to a guy 不打人家的头一下 without putting them in a headlock? 就不算打招呼吗 Well, maybe when you go to colle
  • 《美少女的谎言》第32期:很有感觉 Pretty. Who made that? 好漂亮 谁做的 Somebody from school. 学校的同学 Well, whoever made it must like you a lot. 无论是谁做的 这个人一定很喜欢你 No, we were just talking about 没有 只是刚好谈到 this band we both like
  • 《美少女的谎言》第33期:心理医生 Ah, Martha. You're here. 玛莎 你来了 Next time, just push the button. 下次 请按下门铃 Excuse me? 什么 Push the button. That tells me you're here. 按这个门铃 让我知道你来了 Okay. Since it's your first visit, 好吧 因为你是