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  • 乔布斯传 第464期:蒂姆·库克(5) At Apple his role became implementing Jobs's intuition, which he accomplished with a quiet diligence. 在苹果公司,他成了贯彻乔布斯直觉的角色。 Never married, he threw himself into his work. 他默默耕耘,全心投入工作,至
  • 乔布斯传 第465期:蒂姆·库克(6) At a meeting early in his tenure, Cook was told of a problem with one of Apple's Chinese suppliers. 在任职初期的一次会议上,库克听说苹果公司的某一家中国供应商出了问题。 This is really bad, he said. Someone should be
  • 乔布斯传 第466期:高领衫和团队合作(1) Mock Turtlenecks and Teamwork 高领衫和团队合作 On a trip to Japan in the early 1980s, 20世纪80年代初,在日本拜访时, Jobs asked Sony's chairman, Akio Morita, why everyone in his company's factories wore uniforms. 乔布斯曾问过
  • 乔布斯传 第467期:高领衫和团队合作(2) Despite his autocratic nature -- he never worshipped at the altar of consensus 虽然乔布斯天性独裁专制,从不寄望于共识, Jobs worked hard to foster a culture of collaboration at Apple. 但他却着力在公司内部营造出一种合
  • 乔布斯传 第468期:高领衫和团队合作(3) This approach also applied to key hires. 这一政策也应用到了重要职位的招聘上。 He would have candidates meet the top leaders -- Cook, Tevanian, Schiller, Rubinstein, Ive 他会安排候选人直接面见公司的主要负责人--库克
  • 乔布斯传 第469期:高领衫和团队合作(4) The process could be intimidating, but Jobs had an eye for talent. 招聘的过程是严苛的,但是乔布斯能够慧眼识人。 When they were looking for people to design the graphical interface for Apple's new operating system, 当他们想找人
  • 乔布斯传 第470期:高领衫和团队合作(5) Jobs's experiences at NeXT had matured him, but they had not mellowed him much. 乔布斯在NeXT公司的经历使他成熟,却没有使他更圆熟。 He still had no license plate on his Mercedes, 他依然还没有给他的奔驰车挂牌照,
  • 乔布斯传 第471期:高领衫和团队合作(6) People also had to put up with Jobs's occasional irrational or incorrect assertions. 人们还要忍受乔布斯偶尔提出的无理要求或错误主张。 To both family and colleagues, 无论是对家人还是同事, he was apt to declare, with
  • 乔布斯传 第472期:从iCEO到CEO(1) From iCEO to CEO 从iCEO到CEO Ed Woolard, his mentor on the Apple board, pressed Jobs for more than two years to drop the interim in front of his CEO title. 两年多的时间里,乔布斯在苹果董事会的导师埃德伍拉德一直在催促他把
  • 乔布斯传 第473期:从iCEO到CEO(2) Woolard was thrilled, and he suggested that the board was willing to give him a massive stock grant. 伍拉德非常兴奋,他表示董事会愿意给他巨额股份。 Let me be straight with you, Jobs replied. 我直截了当地和你说吧,乔布
  • 乔布斯传 第474期:从iCEO到CEO(3) It was an awkward tiff in what should have been a celebratory period. 这个口角使原本的庆祝场面顿时尷尬起来。 In the end, a complex solution was worked out that granted him ten million shares in January 2000 that were valued at the
  • 乔布斯传 第475期:从iCEO到CEO(4) At the January 2000 Macworld in San Francisco, Jobs rolled out the new Macintosh operating system, OSX, 2000年1月,在旧金山的Macworld大会上,乔布斯发布了新的操作系统Mac OSX, which used some of the software that Apple had bou
  • 乔布斯传 第476期:顾客体验(1) The Customer Experience 顾客体验 Jobs hated to cede control of anything, especially when it might affect the customer experience. But he faced a problem. 乔布斯不喜欢失去对任何事情的控制,尤其是关系到顾客体验的事情。但
  • 乔布斯传 第477期:顾客体验(2) When Johnson came back in January 2000 to be interviewed again, Jobs suggested that they take a walk. 2000年1月,约翰逊来参加第二轮面试,乔布斯建议他们一起出去走走。 They went to the sprawling 140-store Stanford Shopping
  • 乔布斯传 第478期:顾客体验(3) Johnson said that the size of a store signaled the importance of the brand. 约翰逊认为商铺的面积能够体现品牌的重要性。 Is Apple as big of a brand as the Gap? he asked. 他问道:苹果有GAP那么大牌吗? Jobs said it was m