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  • 2018年双语新闻 音乐让世界杯燃起来

    Soundtrack of soccer 音乐让世界杯燃起来 Every four years, millions of people gather in summer to watch soccer games and cheer for their favorite teams and players. 每隔四年,数百万人都会在盛夏齐聚一堂观看足球比赛,为他...

  • 2018年双语新闻 博物馆也开始玩"快闪"了

    Closer to art 博物馆也开始玩快闪了! None of the major traditional museums seemed to see it as a threat when the Museum of Ice Cream opened in New York in 2016. After all, as a pop-up museum, it only stayed open there for a month. 2016年,...

  • 2018年双语新闻 59岁的芭比娃娃变了吗?

    Iconic toy stands for long journey of modern females 59岁的芭比娃娃变了吗? Even though she hasn't aged a day since she was born, one of the most famous figures in US culture recently turned 59. Barbie, the doll whose face is known all arou...

  • 2018年双语新闻 奥巴马夫妇进军影视界

    New Netflix superstars 奥巴马夫妇进军影视界 When he took the helm of the White House, Barack Obama was called the first social media president. 贝拉克奥巴马执掌白宫时,被称为首位社交媒体总统。 Now in his post-White H...

  • 2018年双语新闻 别让任何人打乱你人生的节奏

    Great new life can begin anytime 别让任何人打乱你人生的节奏刷屏 Many of us seem to have lives that follow a certain path. 我们不少人的人生似乎都遵循一定轨迹。 From kindergarten all the way to when we get married, ever...

  • 2018年双语新闻 滴滴出行发布整改方案

    Didi makes changes following death 滴滴出行发布整改方案 Didi Chuxing, China's largest ride-hailing company, announced on May 16 a set of measures to improve passenger safety. For starters, it will suspend its Hitch ride service from 10 pm t...

  • 2018年双语新闻 "小偷家族"为何能获金棕榈奖

    Cannes' finest 《小偷家族》为何能获金棕榈奖 The Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival is one of the highest prizes in the film industry, so winning one is never easy. 戛纳电影节的金棕榈奖是电影界的最高荣誉之一,获奖...

  • 2018年双语新闻 诺贝尔文学奖今年不颁了

    Argument for awards 诺贝尔文学奖今年不颁了! It's always exciting every year in October when the Nobel Prizes are announced. We get to witness the acknowledgement of some of humankind's greatest minds in six fields, literature, medicine,...

  • 2018年双语新闻 "十三个原因"告诉你校园霸凌的可怕

    Think before you act 《十三个原因》告诉你校园霸凌的可怕 Name-calling, teasing, pushing and fighting. Whether you have experienced it or not, chances are that these are the things that pop up in your mind when you hear the word bullyi...

  • 2018年双语新闻 "怪奇物语"女主"小11"到底多有才

    Naturally talented 《怪奇物语》女主小11到底多有才? She's never received any professional training in acting or singing, and she suffers from hearing loss in one of her ears. But these things don't seem to have had any impact on her ta...

  • 2018年双语新闻 漫威宇宙的十字路口

    Bad guy's tale 复联3:漫威宇宙的十字路口 They've fought big villains before, alone and together, in 18 films set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. 在漫威电影宇宙的18部电影中,不论是单打独斗还是团队作战,他们都曾...

  • 2018年双语新闻 时尚遇上环保

    Trend for recycled fashion 当时尚遇上环保 When you open your closet, chances are that you will see some unwanted clothes lying in the corner. But instead of throwing them away, wouldn't you rather give them a second chance to shine? Well, peop...

  • 2018年双语新闻 指纹里藏的生命秘密

    Fingers tell story of our lives 指纹里藏的生命秘密 Before the discovery of DNA profiling in the 1980s, fingerprints were the easiest way to solve serious crimes. 在上世纪80年代DNA分析技术问世之前,指纹是破解重大刑事案件...

  • 2018年双语新闻 蒙娜丽莎微笑的秘密

    Secret of her smile 蒙娜丽莎微笑的秘密 Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa is one of the most renowned paintings in the art world. Interest in the sixteenth-century portrait, which is probably of Lisa del Giocondo, the wife of merch...

  • 2018年双语新闻 朝韩首脑会晤标志半岛问题走向正轨

    Meeting marks step in right direction 朝韩首脑会晤标志半岛问题走向正轨 Top leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) Kim Jong-un and President of the Republic of Korea (ROK) Moon Jae-in met on April 27 for a historic...
