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  • 【双语有声阅读】不做有才华的穷人

    The world is filled with smart, talented, educated and gifted people. We meet them every day.A few days ago, my car was not running well. 世界上满坑满谷都是精明能干、才华横溢、学富五车以及极具天赋之人,我们每天都会...

  • 【双语有声阅读】英国饮食 English Food

    English Food 英国饮食 So, you are going to Britain. 那你打算去英国咯。 Oh no! say your friends,The food is terrible! What are you going to eat? 哦,不!你朋友会说,食物太难吃了,你过去要吃什么? This was a common...

  • 【双语有声阅读】生活中我们最幸福时

    A man and his girlfriend were married. It was a large celebration. 一个男人和他的女朋友结婚,举行了一场盛大的结婚庆典。 All of their friends and family came to see the lovely ceremony and to partake of the festivities and ce...

  • 【双语有声阅读】马丁路德金纪念日

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  • 【双语有声阅读】智慧之歌 Song of Wisdom

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    Ramadan in America 美国的斋月 America is a nation of 292 million people. 美国有2.92亿人口。 There are estimates that 6 million of them are Muslim. 据估计,其中有600万人是伊斯兰教徒。 The government does not ask people thei...

  • 【双语有声阅读】美元上的伟大人物 Men on the Money

    Students who live away from their families are generally housed in dormitories at least for their first year. 离家远的学生通常至少在他们大学的第一年里都会住在学校宿舍。 Men and women often live in the same building,though...

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  • 【双语有声阅读】纽约文化 New York City Culture

    New York City Culture 纽约文化 New York City, in the state of New York,is the largest city in the United States. 位于纽约州的纽约市是全美最大的城市, More than 8,000,000 people live there. 有着800多万的人口, That is mor...

  • 【双语有声阅读】美国商城 Mall of America

    The largest and most popular shopping mall in the United States is the Mall of America. 全美最大,最著名的购物商场非美国商城莫属。 It is in Bloomington, Minnesota,in the north-central part of the country near the twin cities of M...

  • 【双语有声阅读】双方都在疑惑中

    品嚼语段 He was surprised to find that this dairymaid had such sad thoughts. 他吃惊地发现这个挤奶女工竟如此地愁绪满怀。 She was expressing in her own words the ache of modern life. 她用自己的话表达着现代生活的...

  • 【双语有声阅读】金门大桥 The Golden Gate Bridge

    The Golden Gate Bridge has been called one of the world's most beautiful bridges. 金门大桥被认为是世界最漂亮的桥梁之一, It is also one of the most visited places in the world. 也是世界上游客最多的景点之一。 Experts...

  • 【双语有声阅读】心灵的共鸣

    Melting pot means a place where people from many different ethnic groups or cultures form a united society. 大熔炉是指这样一个地方,在那里来自不同种族或文化的人们形成了一个和谐统一的社会群体。 The idea comes...

  • 【双语有声阅读】爱意开始滋生

    Americans celebrate Valentine's Day each year on February fourteenth. 美国人在每年的2月14日庆祝情人节。 It is a holiday for lovers. 这是情人们的节日。 Valentine's Day is a good day for a man to ask his girlfriend to marry him....

  • 【双语有声阅读】论说谎 On Lying

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