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相关教程: 双语有声阅读
  • 【双语有声阅读】夏末的诗意

    The Poetry of Late Summer 夏末的诗意 One has the leisure of July for perceiving all the differences of the green of leaves. 七月间,人们有余暇观察树叶绿翠的千差万别。 It is no longer a difference in degrees of maturity,for a...

  • 【双语有声阅读】密西西比河上夏天的日出

    Summer Sunrises on the Mississippi 密西西比河上夏天的日出 One can never see too many summer sunrises on the Mississippi. 夏天,密西西比河上的日出奇美无比, They are enchanting. 令人百看不厌。 First, there is the elo...

  • 【双语有声阅读】一月的风儿

    January wind 一月的风儿 The January wind has a hundred voices. 一月的风儿,奏响千般号角,诉说万般风情。 It can scream, it can bellow, it can whisper, and it can sing a lullaby. 它时而尖叫,划破长空;时而怒吼,响...

  • 【双语有声阅读】论美丽

    Of Beauty 论美 Virtue is like a rich stone, best plain set; 德行犹如宝石,朴素最美: and surely virtue is best in a body that is comely,though not of delicate features; 其于人也,则有德者但须形体悦目,不必面貌俊秀,...

  • 【双语有声阅读】河之歌

    The Song of the River 河之歌 You hear it all along the river. 沿河上下都可以听见那歌声。 You hear it, loud and strong, from the rowers as they urge the junk with its high stern, the mast lashed alongside, down the swift running stream...

  • 【双语有声阅读】哈痒的科学研究(1)

    The Choice of Companion 论择友 A good companion is better than a fortune, 一个好友胜过一笔财富。 for a fortune cannot purchase those elements of character which make companionship a blessing. 人性中有一些品质会让友谊变成一种...

  • 【双语有声阅读】为什么会怕痒(1)

    Have you ever thought about why people are ticklish? According to scientists, ticklishness is a defense mechanism humans developed against bugs, spiders, and other critters that may be touching our skin. Feeling ticklish is our built-in response to p...

  • 【双语有声阅读】为什么会怕痒(2)

    The part of the brain that is associated with tickling is the cerebellum. It monitors our movements, but ignores movements not perceived as a threat. For example, we do not notice our vocal chords moving when we speak, but we may jump if someone touc...

  • 【双语有声阅读】论读书

    Of Studies 论读书 Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability. 读书足以怡情,足以傅彩,足以长才。 Their chief use for delight, is in privateness and retiring; 其怡情也,最见于独处幽居之时; for ornament...

  • 【双语有声阅读】山谷

    A Valley 山谷 I came, one evening before sunset, 一天傍晚,我在日落之前走下了一个山谷, down into a valley, where I was to rest. 准备在那里休息。 In the course of my descent to it,by the winding track along the mountain-s...

  • 【双语有声阅读】心静如水

    The Practice of Peace 心静如水 There are many areas in which peace needs to be accomplished, 许多方面需要做到心静如水: within ourselves, between ourselves and others, 我们的内心,我们和他人之间的关系, and between ourse...

  • 【双语有声阅读】健全的人生

    The wholeness of life 健全的人生 Once a circle missed a wedge. 从前,一只圆圈缺了一块楔子。 The circle wanted to be whole, 它想保持完整, so it went around looking for its missing piece. 便四处寻找那块楔子。 But be...

  • 【双语有声阅读】有感于青春常在

    On the Feeling of Immortality in Youth 有感于青春常在 No young man believes he will ever die. 年轻人不相信自己会死。 It was a saying of my brother's, and a fine one. 这是我哥哥的话,可算得一句妙语。 There is a feelin...

  • 【双语有声阅读】净化你的思绪

    Clear your mental space 净化你的思绪 Think about the last time you felt a negative emotion: 想一想上一次你情绪消沉时的情景: like stress, anger, or frustration. 压力,愤怒,或是受挫。 Were you able to think as you wer...

  • 【双语有声阅读】啤酒(1)

    Fermented beverages made from various types of grain appeared independently in different locations all over the ancient world from Africa to China. The word beer itself comes from a Latin verb meaning to drink, and the ancient Romans were certainly n...
