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  • 【双语有声阅读】美国能源部长朱棣文哈佛演讲

    So my address will follow the classical sonata form of commencement addresses. 毕业典礼演讲都遵循古典奏鸣曲的结构,我的演讲也不例外。 The first movement, just presented, were light-hearted remarks. 刚才是第一乐章轻快...

  • 【双语有声阅读】奥巴马发布独立日献词

    That is the spirit we are called to show once more. 为了迎接我们这个时代不可预知的种种挑战,我们大家都必须再次发扬这种为国效力和献身的精神。 We are facing an array of challenges on a scale unseen in our tim...

  • 【双语有声阅读】海明威诺贝尔文学奖致辞

    No writer who knows the great writers who did not receive the prize can accept it other than with humility. 没有一个作家,当他知道在他以前不少伟大的作家并没有获得此项奖金的时候,能够心安理得领奖而不感到受...

  • 【双语有声阅读】葛底斯堡演说

    Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation,conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. 87年前,我们的先辈们在这个大陆上创立了一个新国家,它...

  • 【双语有声阅读】热血,辛劳,泪水和汗水

    I now invite the House,by the Resolution which stands in my name,to record its approval of the steps taken and to declare its confidence in the new Government. 现在依据我所签署的决议,请求下议院将它同意行的步骤正式记录下来...

  • 【双语有声阅读】罗琳哈佛大学毕业典礼演讲

    But how much more are you, Harvard graduates of 2008, likely to touch other people's lives? 但是,哈佛大学的2008届毕业生们,你们多少人有可能去触及他人的生命? Your intelligence, your capacity for hard work, the educatio...

  • 【双语有声阅读】肯尼迪航天计划演讲

    We set sail on this new sea because there is new knowledge to be gained,and new rights to be won, and they must be won and used for the progress of all people. 我们踏上新的航程,为了获取新的知识,为了赢得新的权利,获取并运...

  • 【双语有声阅读】克林顿告别演说

    My fellow citizens,tonight is my last opportunity to speak to you from the Oval Office as your president. 同胞们,今晚是我最后一次作为你们的总统,在白宫椭圆形办公室向你们做最后一次演讲。 I am profoundly gratefu...

  • 【双语有声阅读】罗斯福就职演讲

    President Hoover, Mister Chief Justice, my friends, 胡佛总统,首席法官先生,朋友们, This is a day of national consecration, 今天对我们的国家来说是一个神圣的日子。 and I am certain that on this day my fellow America...

  • 【双语有声阅读】希拉里退选演说

    So to all those who voted for me and to whom I pledged my utmost,my commitment to you and to the progress we seek is unyielding. 我亲爱的选民们,我曾经信誓旦旦承诺过的人们,我想对你们说,我对你们的承诺绝不食言,...

  • 【双语有声阅读】比尔·盖茨哈佛大学毕业典礼演讲

    Members of the Harvard Family: 哈佛是一个大家庭。 Here in the Yard is one of the great collections of intellectual talent in the world. 这个院子里在场的人们,是全世界最有智力的人类群体之一。 For what purpose? 我们可...

  • 【双语有声阅读】奥巴马总统就职演说

    Inaugural Address of Obama 奥巴马就职演说 Today I say to you that the challenges we face are real. 今天我要向你们说的是,我们面临的挑战是真实存在的。 They are serious and they are many. 这些挑战很多,也很严重,...

  • 【双语有声阅读】秋 August

    month of August. 一年之中,没有任何一个月份的自然风光比得过八月的风采。 Spring has many beauties,and May is a fresh and blooming month, 春天美不胜收,而五月也是一个明媚清新、繁花似锦的月份, but t...

  • 【双语有声阅读】生命美于变化

    Change Makes Life Beautiful 生命美于变化 To regard all things and principles of things as inconstant modes or fashions has more and more become the tendency of modern thought. 将所有事物和事物的原则统统归结为经常变化着的形态...

  • 【双语有声阅读】乡村客栈一个阴雨的星期天

    A Wet Sunday In A Country Inn 乡村客栈一个阴雨的星期天 A wet Sunday in a country inn! 乡村客栈一个阴雨的星期天! Whoever has had the luck to experience one can alone judge of my situation. 凡有幸度过这样一天的人,都能...
