[00:01.86]No. 不行
[00:02.90]W... w... why? 为... 为... 为什么?
[00:04.94]But it’s important for me to stay hydrated. 保持水润肌肤 对我很重要
[00:05.82]Well, I would just like to congratulate you 我真得恭喜你
[00:06.90]on another dramatic ending 为另一段浪漫感情
[00:08.58]to another romantic relationship. 添了一个戏剧结局
[00:11.18]Who’s your manager? 你的上司是谁?
[00:12.18]Well, at least this time 好吧 但至少这次
[00:13.18]she didn’t want to kill me. 她想杀的不是我
[00:14.18]She wanted to kill you. 是你
[00:16.14]Details. 细节而已
[00:16.34]You never responded to my dinner invitation. 你还没回答我的晚餐邀请呢
[00:17.42]I need it! 我需要它!
[00:21.14]You’re doing what? 你在做什么?
[00:21.90]Stop saying that. 别说了
[00:23.18]I’m sorry. 抱歉
[00:27.10]They are offering me a raise, and I get to coanchor. 他们给了我一个升职的机会 担任主持人
[00:29.50]You know what that means, Walt? 你知道那将意味着什么吗 Walt?
[00:31.34]It means I get to deliver the news. 意味着我可以播新闻了
[00:32.54]Real news, not just the weather. 真正的新闻 不是只有天气预报
[00:34.82]I mean, you know, I still have to do the weather, 我是说 我还是得播天气
[00:35.50]All of that for the rock-bottom price of your soul. 你灵魂就这么低贱
[00:36.14]but I get to do other stuff too now. 但现在我还能播其他的了
[00:40.98]Would you stop being so dramatic? 你能不要这么激动么?
[00:41.10]Will you stop being such a sellout? 你能不要这么出卖自己么?
[00:43.86]Walt. Walt
[00:44.86]Sylvia, they fired you with prejudice. Sylvia 他们对你有偏见才解雇了你
[00:45.66]I quit. 是我自己离职的
[00:47.26]They did not fire me. 他们没有解雇我
[00:48.94]Look, this is a real job, 听着 这才是份像样的工作
[00:49.14]one where I never have to touch 一份永远不会再让我碰到
[00:52.14]And if I take it, there’s a signing bonus, 只要我接受 就有一份签约奖金
[00:54.02]which means I get to find my own place immediately 那表示我可以马上找到自己的公寓
[00:55.78]and pay you back all the money I owe you. 还能把欠你的钱还清
[00:58.38]I want you to have some goddamn self-respect. 我只想要你有点 该死的自尊
[00:59.18]I don’t want your dirty money. 我不想要你的脏钱
[01:02.26]God, you are so self-important. 上帝啊 你真高傲
[01:05.06]Think about what you’re doing. 好好想想你在做什么
[01:05.34]I want a life, Walt, okay? 我只想要生活 Walt 可以了吗?
[01:06.14]I am a 35-year-old woman, 我一个35岁的女人
[01:11.54]I have no money. 没钱
[01:12.54]I am waiting tables. 在餐馆当服务员
[01:13.54]I have a roommate. 有个室友
[01:15.22]And I am sleeping with the guy across the hall. 还和对门的家伙睡觉
[01:15.46]Don’t you talk to me about self-respect, Walt. 这样你还和我谈什么自尊 Walt
[01:16.78]I’m doing this because I deserve better. 我这样做 因为我应该活得更好
[01:19.34]Is that why you’re going on a date 所以就算那个男人曾经对你不忠
[01:20.58]with the guy who cheated on you and broke your heart? 伤透过你的心 你也要和他约会?
[01:23.82]It is not a date. 那不是约会
[01:25.22]It is a business dinner with a colleague. 只是和同事一起吃个商务餐
[01:25.62]Shut up! 闭嘴吧!
[01:26.62]And I think "broke your heart" 还有我觉得"伤透过你的心"
[01:28.58]You know what? 你知道吗?
[01:31.30]I’m just going to say this, and then I’m walking. 我就再说一句话就走
[01:32.90]I highly doubt that. 我真的很怀疑
[01:33.90]I’m walking 我会走的
[01:35.06]just as soon as I say this one thing. 就说完这一句
[01:37.66]- You ready? - What? - 你听好? - 什么?
[01:38.66]- You ready? - What? - 你听好没? - 什么话?
[01:41.66]Mom would be really disappointed in you. 妈妈会对你非常失望的
[01:42.30]That’s right. 对
[01:47.70]Mom would be really disappointed in me? 妈妈会对我非常失望?
[01:50.10]Is that what you said? 这就是你要说的?
[01:51.50]Yeah, that’s what I said. 对 这就是我要说的
[01:57.14]Well, that’s interesting, Walt, 真有趣 Walt
[01:58.62]Considering that Mom worked 想想妈妈一直在工作
[01:58.70]until she could barely stand up from the pain 直到因为疼痛差点站不起来
[02:03.30]while our father sat on the couch all day 爸爸却整天在沙发上坐着
[02:03.58]doing nothing but pass judgements. 无所事事 就知道耍嘴皮子
[02:06.30]Wait a minute. 等下
[02:07.30]Who else does that, Walt? 还有谁也是这样的 Walt?
[02:07.38]You know who else does that? You do that, Walt. 你知道还有谁也这样吗? 就是你 Walt
[02:08.30]Let me think... 让我想想...
[02:08.58]So while I may be a huge disappointment to our mother, 所以 就算我让妈妈大失所望
[02:11.86]that wherever that son of a bitch is, 我仍然问心无愧
[02:14.90]of the fine young man you’ve become. 现在的表现而骄傲
[02:16.22]he is probably really proud 他倒是可能 真为你
[02:21.82]Okay. 好
[02:23.18]Okay. 好
[02:25.86]You do whatever you want to do, Sylvia. 你想做什么就做吧 Sylvia
[02:44.78]Hey. 嘿
[02:45.82]Hey. 嘿
[02:48.14]I just talked to Walt. 我刚和Walt聊过
[02:52.94]Are you okay? 你还好吗?
[02:54.38]Yeah. No, I’m fine, thanks. 没事 我很好 谢谢
[02:56.82]It’s just, you know. 就只是 你明白的
[02:59.34]Yeah, that didn’t sound like bickering. 没错 不过这次可不像斗嘴
[03:09.42]Well, I’m kind of running late, so... 我的时间不多了 所以...
[03:10.18]Right, so you’re going back to the morning show? 好吧 那你要回那档早间节目了?
[03:14.50]Considering it. 还在考虑
[03:15.98]And the guy? 还有那个家伙?
[03:18.38]You’re, you’re gonna go out with him? 你 你会和他去约会吗?
[03:22.14]Yeah, I... can we talk about this later, please? 对 我... 我们能迟些再说这事吗?
[03:22.54]The haircut? 那个衰发男?
[03:25.02]Yeah, well, you will have already gone out with him later, 等你已经和他约会过后?
[03:32.38]Byron, don’t act like this, okay? Byron 别装成这样 好吗?
[03:33.94]Act like this? 装成这样?
[03:34.94]Act like what? 装成什么样?
[03:36.82]I’m just reacting here. 我只是正常反应而已
[03:39.54]We had a deal, remember? 我们有过协议的 记得吗?
[03:41.30]We... no emotions. 我们... 不谈感情
[03:44.38]No commitment, right? 不谈承诺 对吧?
[03:48.90]Yeah, I remember the deal. 我记得这个协议
[03:51.34]You don’t have to tell me what the deal is 你不用告诉我其中的内容
[03:52.14]’Cause I remember it, so... 我都记得 所以...
[03:54.82]So what’s the problem? 所以 还有什么问题?
[04:00.82]It’s not a problem. 没问题了
[04:05.54]that deal was made, like, forever ago. 这个协议是 很久以前订的
[04:07.10]The problem is that 问题就是
[04:09.14]Right? 是吧?
[04:11.74]I mean, this was before we knew each other 我的意思是 在我们了解对方之前
[04:12.74]and before we spent all this time together, 在我们一起相处之前
[04:13.54]and... and... and we liked each other, and we had fun, 而且... 而且... 是我们彼此喜欢 玩得很开心之前
[04:18.10]and... and it was before 还... 还是在
[04:19.78]I picked you that stupid flower off the table. 我给你摘下 桌上那朵无聊的花之前
[04:21.26]Hey, hey. 嘿 嘿
[04:25.58]We have a good thing here. 我们之间进展明明很好
[04:30.82]I like you. 我喜欢你
[04:33.98]I don’t want you to see anybody else. 我不想你再去和别人约会
[04:36.78]I just... I thought that we had kind of moved past the deal. 我只是... 我以为我们之间已经超出了协议
[04:49.22]Well... 好吧...
[04:53.30]I haven’t felt that... I haven’t felt that way. 我没感觉... 我没那种感觉
[05:03.46]Well... 那好...
[05:04.50]That’s different. 那就不一样了
[05:07.34]Look, Byron, listen, I... 听着 Byron 听着 我...
[05:08.58]No, I... I was mistaken. 不用 我... 是我误会了
[05:14.46]God, I just... 上帝 我只是...
[05:18.14]I feel so not cool right now. 现在感觉自己实在蠢笨
[05:20.10]I should go. 我该走了
[05:21.70]Listen to me. 听我说
[05:22.70]Byron, I... look, I like you a lot. Byron 我... 听着 我很喜欢你
[05:26.62]I do. I just... 真的 我只是...
[05:28.06]We’re too different, you know? 我们太不同了 你明白么?
[05:28.98]And I need to be with a grown-up. 我需要和一个成熟男人在一起
[05:33.62]Right. 很好
[05:37.14]Somebody not me. 就不是我
[05:39.82]That’s okay. 没事
[05:46.10]But I think that we should stop talking now. 但我想现在我们不该继续谈下去了
[05:48.14]Good luck on your date, though. 还是要祝你约会好运
[06:02.98]Yes, please. 好的
[06:03.50]Oh, God, hi, sorry. 噢 上帝 嗨 抱歉
[06:09.14]Thank you. 谢谢
[06:12.78]Where are you? 你神游去哪儿了?
[06:18.86]I’m here. 就这儿
[06:20.26]I just, you know, I have a lot on my mind. 我只是 你明白的 我会挂心很多事情
[06:21.34]That’s all. 就这样而已
[06:21.58]Yeah, I’ll bet. 好 我信
[06:24.62]I’ll bet you’re overwhelmed. 我相信你现在正不知所措
[06:26.22]Is that right? 真的?
[06:26.26]I know certainly am. 至少我知道自己是如此
[06:29.22]Feel like I’ve been given a second chance at happiness. 感觉就像再次得到幸福的门票
[06:33.78]Well. Forgive me if I don’t swoon. 不过 请原谅我并未幸福得昏迷
[06:38.54]I’m serious. 我是认真的
[06:39.74]I’m very serious. 我非常认真
[06:42.34]Sherry... Sherry...
[06:44.94]Sherry taught me something. Sherry教会我一些事情
[06:46.42]She brought perspective. 她让我看清了某些问题
[06:50.38]Sherry’s, she’s just a girl. Sherry她只是个女孩
[06:51.90]You’re a woman. 而你是个女人
[06:55.58]And you’re the one for me. 你才是适合我的那个人
[07:00.22]Well, I’m glad dating 好吧 我很高兴
[07:05.22]made you appreciate what we had. 能让你珍惜我们曾经的回忆
[07:06.86]Listen, I know this, okay? 听着 我明白这些 好么?
[07:11.38]I’m a fool. 我是个傻瓜
[07:15.22]But I’m trying to make it right. 但我正努力改正
[07:29.06]Wait, no. 等等 不要
[07:32.22]Oh, God, what am I doing? 噢 上帝 我在干嘛?
[07:38.10]You’re right. 你是对的
[07:41.90]You’re right. 你没错
[07:42.94]Let’s take it slow. 我们慢慢来
[07:45.54]I’ll be here when you’re ready. 我会一直等你准备好
[07:49.62]I’m not going to screw it up this time. 这次我不会再搞砸了
[08:17.26]She took the job. 她接受了那份工作
[08:19.34]Got a big bonus. New apartment. 得了一份丰厚的奖金 一个新公寓
[08:23.82]Okay. 好的
[08:40.82]Sorry, man. 抱歉 兄弟
[08:48.66]# Never seen you at your wit’s end # # 从未见你不知所措 #
[08:51.58]# but I forced you there # # 我却逼你步入死角 #
[08:54.46]# and then hoped you’d find your way back to me # # 然后希望你能找到回我身边的路 #
[09:00.22]# Promises were made to you # # 向你立下保证 #
[09:04.66]# I never meant to lie # # 我从未想过欺骗 #
[09:07.54]# I just never made them true # # 我只是无法实现 #
[09:19.70]# This heart loves you # # 这颗心为你爱 #
[09:19.98]# This heart breaks for you # # 这颗心为你碎 #
[09:23.78]# My heart hates what it has put yours through # # 我在心里恨自己对你的爱 #
[09:30.34]# by beating only when it has to # # 没有充满生活的每一个缝隙 #
[09:30.74]# It’s just not enough, I know # # 这远不够 我明了 #
[09:38.10]# but I’ve loved you more than I could show # # 但我爱你 比看上去更爱你 #

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n.逻辑(学);逻辑性 | |
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n.剩货,残留物,剩饭;adj.残余的 | |
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n.大学一年级学生(可兼指男女) | |
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v.做得过分( overdo的现在分词 );太夸张;把…煮得太久;(工作等)过度 | |
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v.援引( invoke的过去式和过去分词 );行使(权利等);祈求救助;恳求 | |
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n.安慰;v.使快乐;vt.安慰(物),缓和 | |
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v.争吵( bicker的现在分词 );口角;(水等)作潺潺声;闪烁 | |
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v.提出;adj.未决议的;n.大会;辩论会 | |
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n.演戏,行为,假装;adj.代理的,临时的,演出用的 | |
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adj. 着迷的, 强迫性的, 分神的 | |
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adj.(含)酒精的,由酒精引起的;n.酗酒者 | |
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